
Showing posts from December, 2012

Venus quindecile Ceres on Xmas

Venus, Bacchus, Ceres en Amor (Cornelis Cornelisz) The chart of Xmas night (I mean December 25, zero hours) has an aspect that is very much in line with what will be happening on Xmas day: Venus is quindecile Ceres. Remember my tweets about Ceres and cooking and nutrition? Ceres with Venus is also the symbol of motherly love and the love to nurture. It is such a proper aspect for those Xmas days of luxury food! I'll tell you why. 1. Venus is the symbol of preferences, style, sweetness, beauty, entertainment, love and pleasure. 2   Ceres is important in the natal charts of famous chef cooks. Julia Child, for example, started making recipes when her progressed Sun was opposition Ceres! 3. Venus and Ceres both like comfort and to comfort... So...I  hope that your Xmas dinner will be prepared by someone who loves (Venus) to nurture (Ceres) and that you will love (Venus) the cook (Ceres) with the strong and fanatic focus (165 degree aspect) required by the quindecile, even i...

The astrology of Marquis de Sade

The chart of the author of 'Fifty shades' is as unknown as her date of birth. Now that '50 shades of Grey ' is such a success, maybe it is a good time to have a look a the chart of Marquis De Sade, the man who gave his name to sadism. He didn't only write about sadism… he practised it. What is in his chart? CHART provides the AA-rated natal chart and an autobiography:,_Marquis_de Here is more about the chart. There are a number of keys to his lifestyle. This chart has progressions (the green positions) and transits (the red ones) for his wedding day. DOMINANCE: PLUTO The Astro ID is like the 'special marks' in a passport. For this I look at the planets without major aspects, the planets on the angles or square AC and the planet rising before the Sun. Here we see: Pluto on the Scorpio Ascendant Mars  rising before the Sun, square Venus-Saturn Pluto is most prominent (angular). This placement mirror...

Transit Pholus in Sagittarius

Pholus is an asteroid, a small object that pops up in a chart as the catalyst. Transit Pholus often reflects the small and insignificant but irrevocable  trigger point. But what starts as a tiny thing can grow out of proportions, like the sudden rise of an X-factory star.  Susan Boyle,  for example, has Pholus on MC. Her career certainly has a point of no return.  Pholus moves through Sagittarius. What happens when transit Pholus is conjunct the natal sun in Sagittarius?    TRANSIT PHOLUS ON SAGITTARIUS SUN In a few days (just before Xmas 2012) transit Pholus will be conjunct my Sun in 19d53 Sagittarius for the first time and more hits will follow in 2013. I'll pay special attention to those days of transit Pholus. It might be that someone or something will silently and slowly start changing my life. Or that someone's death will. Or... maybe nothing happens. I'll let you know and I am curious about your experiences. Many Sagittarians had transit Pholus on their Sun ...