The Interpretation of Year 2013 through Tarot Card

This year may be more exciting especially for those who are looking for love as 2013 is known to be the year of the Lovers. If you add up 2013, 2+0+1+3, you will arrive at Tarot Card Interpretation for the year 20136, which is also the Lovers card in the Major Arcana.

If you want to find out your tarot card for 2013, first choose a tarot deck that you are most comfortable working with and then separate all 22 Major Arcana cards leaving aside the 56 other cards.

Now, you have to sit in the most comfortable and effective way for you to begin the tarot reading, then, shuffle the 22 cards which you have separated. While shuffling it, ask that you be guided towards working effectively with your tarot. Wait for that moment when you feel peaceful within. When you feel so, draw a card.

The card that you get is the archetype that will be guiding you through the course of 2013.

Take note of the intuitive response you have with the card. This may not necessarily mean that mini-heart attack reaction you have. It may just be something that is calming and authoritative in nature. It is more governed by love than fear and makes you feel accompanied rather than limited.

Now, you take some time to sit with and dwell in the card. Challenging as it may be, you have to do this without attaching any meanings or emotions to the card. You have to look at it as if there are no emotions connected to it. Then, immerse yourself in the details of the card, not in your emotions for it.

As you are done with that, you have to put the card down, close your eyes and just sit there and wait. You expect nothing special to happen here, but when you are ready, you have already completed the exercise.

Another way of having a tarot reading that will give you a guide to this year's challenges is by having the twelve-card New Year's Tarot spread. Such spread is best for seeing the energies that are passing out of your life, as well as the energies that are coming into your life. Key areas of your life such as love, career, health and spirituality, as well as personal development, will be provided enlightenment.

The cards that come out of the spread have these meanings.

  • The previous year will be summarized
  • Things you have learned from the past year
  • Your aspirations for the next twelve months
  • What empowers you in reaching your aspirations
  • Challenges that stand in the way of reaching your aspirations
  • The relationships and emotions you'll have in the coming year
  • Your career, work and finances
  • Your health and well-being
  • Your spiritual energy and inner fulfillment
  • Things you most need to focus on for the year ahead
  • Things that will be your most important lesson in the coming year
  • Overall, where you are headed to in the next twelve months

A tarot reading may be a very good for you this year. However, it still does not beat prayer.


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