
Showing posts from April, 2017

Daylight Saving Time Messing Up Horoscope

How Daylight Saving Time Can Mess With Your Horoscope Like it or not, daylight saving time is coming for us (well, most of us) this weekend. The official reason for DST is to adjust the time in a way that makes the most of our daylight hours, but most people prefer to focus on the inconveniences that come with the initial onset of DST. We lose an hour of sleep, our internal clocks are thrown off, and we're just in a general fog for the first few days of the new schedule. And for anyone born around the time that DST takes affect (which will be at 2:00 a.m. on March 12 this year), springing forward can even throw off your astrological identity. Astrologers determine your sun, moon, and ascendant signs (the three main astrological signs in Western astrology) by drawing up your birth chart, which is basically a snapshot of the celestial bodies' placement in the sky at the moment you were born. In order to create an accurate chart, they need to know where you born and ...

Astrology is making a comeback

Why astrology is making a comeback Admittedly, I never paid much serious attention to astrology when I was younger. I knew it existed, of course, and I knew my mum would speak of her latest horoscope in hushed tones to her friends at the hairdresser. I certainly knew of the kind of reputation it had to non-believers.  Thought of by most as a sort of pseudo-science or pop psychology/spirituality, I assumed astrology had nothing to offer me. Astrology is loosely defined as a form of stargazing. Based on the positioning of planets, predictions are made about how individuals will behave and interact at a given time. You know, horoscopes and star signs and those intimidating sounding "retrogrades" that everyone seems to talk about. However, at that point in my life I had no idea how frightening being an adult in an uncaring world would be, and how freeing it could be to rely on an alternative framework of questioning, analysing and rationalising. Be...

Astrology For Feminists

This week’s astrology could have everyone feeling a little bit on edge. Check out your sign to find out the best way to get through it! by The Mystical Sister We start off on a moody and emotional note this week with the Moon in Cancer from  Monday  through  Wednesday . This gives us an opportunity for self-care and self-love, especially around water! Bath time, anyone? The Moon roars into Leo  Wednesday  late afternoon and stay there until  Thursday  evening, allowing us to snap out of our sensitive self-care mode and back into getting stuff done! Use the fire to have great conversations, or get inspired. The Moon moves into Virgo  Thursday  evening until  Sunday  morning, prompting us to be analytical and picky. Work the energy by grounding yourself, perhaps doing some movement to get into your body, and eating hyper-nourishing foods. The moon moves into Libra  Sunday , where we begin to prep for the full Moon ener...