Astrology For Feminists
This week’s astrology could have everyone feeling a little bit on edge. Check out your sign to find out the best way to get through it!

by The Mystical Sister
We start off on a moody and emotional note this week with the Moon in Cancer from Monday through Wednesday. This gives us an opportunity for self-care and self-love, especially around water! Bath time, anyone?
The Moon roars into Leo Wednesday late afternoon and stay there until Thursday evening, allowing us to snap out of our sensitive self-care mode and back into getting stuff done! Use the fire to have great conversations, or get inspired. The Moon moves into Virgo Thursday evening until Sunday morning, prompting us to be analytical and picky. Work the energy by grounding yourself, perhaps doing some movement to get into your body, and eating hyper-nourishing foods. The moon moves into Libra Sunday, where we begin to prep for the full Moon energies next Monday.
Whatever will be happening for you on Sunday will likely be a theme of the full Moon next week! Work and prep that energy for best results. More to come; stay tuned!
Aries: Monday through Wednesday afternoon are wonderful days for you to put some action-oriented energy into your home space and decisions around making that better for you. This could be a deep clean, sprucing your place up or simple grocery shopping. These are also great days to do some self-care at home to cool your inner fire and de-stress your nervous system. Wednesday through Thursday night may be great times to get creative and play with things that inspire you and fire up your intellectual and emotional inspiration. These may also be great days to go on dates or power-flirt. Thursday night through Sunday morning may prompt you to get super focused and organized around your daily habits, routines and rituals. Sunday you may be focused on your relationships.
Taurus: The week may start off on a highly sensitive note for you, Taurus, and you may feel especially sensitive around your communications with others in all forms. Try to take a deep breath and clarify before making final decisions or asserting yourself too firmly in a direction that feels “off.” Wednesday afternoon through Thursday night, you may feel like staying very close to home and soothing yourself in bold and creative ways. Art therapy could be ideal! The weekend may bring some serious grounding or insight into romance or creativity, as long as you don’t try to dig too deep or overanalyze. If you start to spiral out, just breathe deeply and bring yourself gently back. Forgiveness is key! Sunday will be all about finding balance in your daily routines.
Gemini: Monday through Wednesday afternoon, you may feel like giving yourself some space, especially to do some decluttering and deep cleaning. Also, spending time with some of your prized possessions may feel good, especially if you allow yourself to be sentimental. Wednesday afternoon through Thursday evening, you may feel like being bold and brazen in your communications, and these may be great days to get emails and texts sent off and hold in-person or phone conversations. Thursday evening until Sunday early morning may also be a great day to declutter and organize your home, and if you started a project earlier in the week, you could continue it on these days to make some fantastic headway! Sunday is your funday, bringing romance, fun and low-key flirtatiousness into focus.
Cancer: The Moon is in your sign Monday through Wednesday afternoon, prompting you to hit the refresh button and really relax and indulge in some much-needed self-care, especially if you’ve been feeling frazzled, overworked or stressed. Don’t be afraid to let go and let Godess! Wednesday afternoon through Thursday night, you could do a dazzling overhaul of your wardrobe, or even go thrifting or shopping and find some great pieces. Thursday night through Sunday morning, you may be feeling overly analytical, especially in your communications with other people. Try to breathe and feel your feelings in your body before speaking your mind. If you feel “off,” peel yourself away from the fray to journal or meditate. Sunday is all about you and your home! Stay in and self-care!
Leo: The week gets off to a very slow and dreamy start — Monday through Wednesday afternoon, you’ll feel like retreating into self-care, meditation and the watery realm of the deep subconscious. Journal and self-care if things start to feel too “off.” These vibrations will shift come Wednesday afternoon as the Moon moves into your sign until Thursday evening. This will give you a ton of energy and oomph to make things happen. Thursday night through Sunday morning, you may be feeling like micromanaging your budget, or getting overanalytical with your cash flow. Be mindful of where you are judging yourself or spinning out without needing to. Sunday becomes more balanced, and you may be inclined to reach out to people and hold conversations.
Virgo: Monday through Wednesday afternoon, you may be feeling very sensitive when it comes to being around your friends and friend groups. You may want to make sure you gut-check your feelings before spiraling into a panic mode or jumping to conclusions. If you’re feeling left out, you may want to peel yourself from the fray to rebalance and self-care before hopping back in. Wednesday afternoon through Thursday evening will give you a great opportunity to retreat and journal out your emotions, or meditate so that you can catch some detachment about your feelings. Thursday evening through Sunday morning, the Moon will be in your sign, giving you extra grounding, confidence and power. Sunday will feel more balanced and you may even receive news in regard to your finances.
Libra: Monday through Wednesday may feel very prickly around your career and public standing, and these may not be the best days to get out there with yourself, your brand or make any big statements on social media. Wednesday afternoon through Thursday evening, you may feel extra social, and you might want to de-stress with your crew or community. These are also choice days for activism and putting things together with community groups. Thursday night through Sunday morning may feel tetchy, and you may want to monitor your internal dialogue for any negative self-talk. Self-love and hold compassion for yourself; be forgiving. Sunday, the Moon moves into your sign, boosting your charisma and confidence!
Scorpio: You may want to take some time to slow down and find some inspiration within the realm of self-care, especially self-care around or with water on Monday through Wednesday afternoon. Wednesday afternoon through Thursday evening, you may feel an extra fire igniting within you to move forward with your public image and/or career. This could be a great time to move forward with or start special projects — or pick up where you left off. Thursday night through Sunday morning, you may be feeling social, but be on the lookout for feeling snappy and lashing out at your favorite people. Sunday, you may feel some balance and restoration with your subconscious. This could be a great day to journal and ground through movement, dance or meditation. When in doubt, dance it out.
Sagittarius: You may want to pencil in some extra special solo time for self care Monday through Wednesday afternoon. Anything related to water may be particularly helpful, especially if you’ve felt stressed or frazzled the past few days or weeks. Wednesday afternoon through Thursday night, you may feel extra inspired to soak in things that inspire you, like art, music, books or film. Thursday evening through Sunday morning, you may feel like reorganizing your short- and long-term career goals. Getting out a pen and paper — or your computer — may be helpful at this time, and the more you can work things out in some form, the better you will feel. Even if it’s not perfect, having a “plan” will help! Sunday you may feel like relaxing with friends. Go for it!
Capricorn: Monday through Wednesday afternoon, your mind may be on focused on where you feel sensitive in regard to relationships, and you might focus on where you’re feeling especially like your needs are not being met. Remember, your lover(s), partner(s) or BFF may be feeling sensitive as well, so tread lightly and take space if you need it. Wednesday afternoon through Thursday evening, you may feel like hitting an inner reset button, and although this may feel a bit challenging at times, you can self-nurture through any weird feelings and allow rebirth to happen! Thursday night through Sunday morning, I urge you to really play with the idea of grounding yourself, and play and have fun with the little details in your life. How can you engage more with how you analyze things intellectually in a playful and fun way?
Aquarius: Monday through Wednesday, you are on self-care alert, Aquarius. Please do not attempt to burn yourself out, make things happen or do anything that isn’t naturally coming your way. I recommend getting in the tub, swimming or doing whatever it is you need to do to rest and rebalance. Wednesday afternoon through Thursday evening, the vibe will lift and you’ll be well-rested so you can mingle with your sweetie and hopefully get some loving on. If you don’t self-care, the energy may shift to fighting, so strive for what feels good to you first. Thursday night through Sunday morning may feel uncomfortable, and your mind may be racing a million miles a minute. Nurture your subconscious through grounding techniques. Go for food and movement that gets you out of your head and into your body. On Sunday, prep for art, music and movie inspirations!
Pisces: Monday through Wednesday afternoon, you may feel naturally inclined to self-care and self-nurture, and this will actually bring you joy, fun and a sense of romance, whether you are partnered up or not. Rest and reset — and then plunge into radical nutrition and adding things that bring you energy and happiness to your daily routines on Wednesday afternoon through Thursday evening. Thursday night through Sunday morning, things may get difficult with your lover(s), partner(s) or BFF. You may become overcritical or overanalyze a situation. Take time out to breathe and hydrate before jumping to conclusions. On Sunday, prepare for some deep resetting — a grounding and nourishing rebirth!
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