The Difference Between Heliocentric and Geocentric Astrology Readings

astrology reading

In science, we have been taught that the earth rotates around its axis and revolves around its orbit. However, we are not really feeling this as we are stationary within the earth. But regardless of this, people still believe that the heavens have such influences on human behavior. These behaviors and experiences have developed into astrological patterns and these have been handed down from generation to generation. And these patterns, in turn, became the basis of human observation and were geocentric (geo=earth +centric + centered) or earth centered. Although astronomy and astrology are both in agreement to the earth-centered information, this is still in contrast to the fact that the Sun is the center of the solar system while all other planets orbit around it.

As we have been taught that we live in a heliocentric solar system which means the sun is the center, we are still bound to our observations of an earth-centered system. So, how do we reconcile the statements of science against common practice? Astrology and astronomy have long been advocates of a geocentric (earth-centered) system. While in reality, we live in a heliocentric system, we believe that we live in a geocentric system.

Let us try to explain this using a parallax. First, we have to choose a subject in front of us. Then, we are to focus on this subject with one eye closed. Raise a thumb to cover the subject. Without moving a single part of the body, the closed eye is opened while the other is closed. Try to see of the thumb still covers the subject. It would show that there has been a shift in the position.

The shift in perspective is natural. This is the same thing that happens cosmically. Now, the sun is approximately 93,000,000 miles away from us. Given t! his dist ance, there is a huge difference in perspective. The astrologers and astronomers have to use the geocentric system for a more personal perspective. They could not be using a chart to know what is going on 93,000,000 miles away.

However, it must be noted that heliocentric reality is very real. The only thing is that it is less popular compared to the geocentric one. A specialty astrologer can actually use a heliocentric perspective. Though a different approach will be used, both perspectives have value. While heliocentric is more generic, geocentric is more specific.

In astrology, both perspectives can be used by an astrologer who is an expert of both. In fact, both can be used simultaneously without one as having an adverse effect on the other because, as mentioned, both have value.

The heliocentric and geocentric perspectives can be used for horoscopes and astrology readings. Whichever the astrologer is more comfortable using can be an effective tool for anyone. However, it is always advised that people should not rely a hundred percent on astrology readings for these are not absolute. Everything still works according to a preplanned program of God. These astrology readings and horoscopes may serve as guides but not absolute truths.


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