Daylight Saving Time Messing Up Horoscope

How Daylight Saving Time Can Mess With Your Horoscope Like it or not, daylight saving time is coming for us (well, most of us) this weekend. The official reason for DST is to adjust the time in a way that makes the most of our daylight hours, but most people prefer to focus on the inconveniences that come with the initial onset of DST. We lose an hour of sleep, our internal clocks are thrown off, and we're just in a general fog for the first few days of the new schedule. And for anyone born around the time that DST takes affect (which will be at 2:00 a.m. on March 12 this year), springing forward can even throw off your astrological identity. Astrologers determine your sun, moon, and ascendant signs (the three main astrological signs in Western astrology) by drawing up your birth chart, which is basically a snapshot of the celestial bodies' placement in the sky at the moment you were born. In order to create an accurate chart, they need to know where you born and ...