Moon Sign and Its Importance in Astrology

moon sign

Science in school has taught us that the moon is another heavenly body that provides light to the earth by borrowing light from the sun. We also learned that it has some control of over the tides of the ocean. But what many of us are not aware of is that the Moon has its own influence to astrology and that it is, as a whole, important to astrology.

The Moon Sign of an individual is the sign the Moon occupied when this person was born. As an astrological sign, it represents ones emotions, inner self, instincts, habits, and reactions. The traits, feelings, and personal responses that are familiar to an individual are represented by the Moon sign.

Along with the Sun and the Ascendant, the Moon is considered by astrologers to be among the most essential elements in any horoscope. Though to some, the Sun is considered the most important citizen in the celestial map, the Moon sign information is considered the missing dimension in Sun Sign Astrology. Its mere absence is the reason why many people believe astrology is not true.

With just a birthday, a persons zodiac sign is easy to classify. This is also because the Sun stays in a zodiac sign for about a month. The Moon sign, on the other hand, is harder to pinpoint since it moves every 2 days. However, it is still correct when people say that certain individuals do not entirely fit to the traits of their Sun signs. We may attribute this to the fact that an individual is complex and made up of different elements. In addition to that, people also have to make choices and get involved in situations wher! e the tr aits set within their Sun sign are not appropriate for use. The easiest thing they can do is refer to their Moon sign.

Moon sign qualities represent routines, responses, and other personalities that were developed as a child. That is why when a person finds himself to have a different perspective or attitude towards family, family problems, and issues, he is more likely to have a Moon sign whose qualities and strengths are different from the nature of his Sun signs description.

However, there is an advantage when one is able to find his Moon sign information for another dimension of ones personal picture to consider is available. Moreover, one can get more access to a myriad of information about oneself. First of all, an interpretation of the portrait of ones character can be provided by ones horoscope.

In a nutshell, the Moon sign is the persons inner personality that is being resorted to instinctively especially when feelings are involved of when ones buttons get pushed.

The Moon sign is benevolent, family-oriented, intuitive, sensitive, and compassionate. However, when it is stressed and uncomfortable, it is unbalanced, resentful, and anxious.

By resorting to ones Moon sign and astrology, a person can better understand and make use of his being a complex and multifaceted being.


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