Top Truths About Numerology Predictions and Reading

Numerology reading

Numerology and psychic readings have been popular throughout time. In the ancient year, these have been used not only to predict ones persons fate or life. More importantly, numerology, psychic readings, and astrology have guided our ancestors in the way lives were lived including the processes that affected life itself.

However, due to the popularity of numerology, there has been a rise in psychics, even those who are fake psychics. These people have led a lot of people into believing inaccurate and untrue numerology readings.

In order that people wont fall victims of such kind of readings, do read on and find out the top truths about numerology predictions and readings.

1. Numbers simply represent or symbolize what is. This is contrary to how people think that numbers can make things happen. This is not true and that numbers, further, do not influence things that happen.

2. Names are often believed to be the cause for ones good luck or failure. The truth is, it does not. Names, when changed, only change the persons persona and not his life.

3. The success of a marriage is dependent only on a secondary basis on the date of the wedding itself. What still comes first is the chart that relates to the time when the couple first met, the time when they first started dating, as well as their unique personal timing.

4. Modern, western numerology was not founded by Pythagoras. Instead, Pythagora! s is the father of a philosophy of numbers which is the foundation of modern, western numerology.

5. January 1st is the start of everybodys Personal Years (common modern numerology yearly timing cycle) while December 31 is the end. Furthermore, Peak Personal Year energy is reached every September. On the other hand, the start and end of the energy of the Universal Year happen at the same time. It also peaks every September. Though some cycles start on the subjects birthday, some also dont. Among these that dont is the Personal Years. This is contrary to peoples thinking that it falls on ones birthday.

6. The energy of one numerology aspect has some relation to another aspects energy. That is why, when making predictions, it should not only be based on a single or a handful of aspects. There exist in comprehensive charts predictive indicators including cycles within cycles. Though surface interpretations are acceptable, these should only serve as the introduction to a more comprehensive and detailed reading.

7. If the comprehensive charts deny it, fame, life-long fulfilling, big money, wonderful love, and all other desired things will not be possible. However, there are some numerologists that do not accept this truth and may be attributed to the following:

  • They use a superficial approach involving numerology which does not give them an understanding of fates workings
  • They have fear and so they refuse to accept knowledge
  • They paint a more ideal and flowery world so their books will sell
  • They refuse to acknowledge lifes realities

8. When a person is called an old soul, it does not mean that the person has been successful at integrating lifes challenges in previous incarnations. It only means successfully integrating more prior earthly experiences that include trials and tribulations. Many of these old souls can be fou! nd in th e midst of drug addicts, alcoholics, and homeless societies.

9. A persona read, obtained by using the persons full and legal name, is merely an image read. The persona is not the fundamental energy of the subject.

10. Only a minor insight is obtained when the reading involves name numerology for the months of the year as they relate to timing.

11. Karmic numbers such as 13, 14, 16, and 19 symbolize what a person must balance due to misapplication of related energy in the prior life. The energy associated with these numbers is malefic.

Numerology readings have the highest potential of giving a person a glimpse of how life will be and how it shall be lived. But if it is misused, it will misguide the person.


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