The Recipe of Success Using Astrology

Astrology can be said to be very useful in many aspects of ones life. Through the use of astrology, including horoscopes, a person can seek guidance and enlightenment in the many decisions that have to be made in life. In fact, the study of ones stars can have an influence on the future of a person. This means that a persons success or failure depends on the alignment of the stars.

No one wants to fail. That is why for the purpose of this article, we shall discuss the recipe for success using ones astrology. What does astrology have to do with ones success?

Jupiter, the success planet

Basically, Jupiter is the planet that greatly influences success. It is the primary indicator if a person is successful or not. Expansion, optimism, joy, freedom, and goodwill are words associated with success. These words, consequently, are related to Jupiter. However, there are many other elements in a persons horoscope besides Jupiter. As a result, the power and influence of Jupiter may be overshadowed by these other factors or elements.

Assessing the Value of Successful People

Quite obviously, successful people have Jupiter well-placed in their lives. And these people provide us great examples and proof that Jupiter has influence on success.

Among these successful people are the popular names of Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump, and Dalai Lama. And the basic relationship between Jupiter and the Sun are reflected in their lives. Not to mention, the relationship is positive and dominant. A key part of success is related directly to the individual if a strong connection is formed between the Sun and Jupiter.

How visible is Success?

When a person is successful, that means that that person has worked extra hard to get to where he is today. However, there are also instances when a person works extra hard and yet finds success elusive. This is the case where Jupiter shows no direct connection with the Sun.

Astute choices

In a successful persons life, what is strongly reflected is the presence and dominance of Jupiter. The astuteness of a persons choices astrologically always stands out when we check through their horoscope.

Great resources

Success is something that can be achieved by everybody. It only depends on how one lives his life that makes the person successful.

The dynamics of success

It is true that success is indicated in ones horoscope. However, it cannot be achieved without working hard for it. But for success to come, there should be a balance of all the aspects of a persons life. The dynamics of success can also be seen in the horoscopes of the rich and famous people.

What shall we do?

Everybody would like to discover the potentials that they have of success. This can be begun by finding Jupiter and its allies. Navigation should also be learned of the negative forces that weaken the influence of Jupiter.


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