Facts About Horoscope Symbols, Houses and Figures

facts about horoscopes, figures and symbols

With the advent of the internet and its by-products innovative technological software or applications that has made horoscope reading and interpretation much easier, daily horoscope reading is now much more popular today.

However, though horoscopes and its interpretation have increased in fame, there are still confusions that are closely associated with the terms horoscope and zodiac signs which are sometimes interchanged, though they have different meanings but are closely intertwined.

Horoscope vs. Zodiac

In astrology, a horoscope is a figurative analysis or a prediction of someones future which is based on the positions of all the planets and the various signs in the zodiac, for a specific place, and for an exact time and date. It can be in a form of a table, map or a chart which shows the positions of the sun, the moon, and other constellations, in addition to the planetary positions. These positions are plotted on the chart according to their relation to the Earth, at the time of the birth of any individual. A horoscope is what astrological predictions are based on, as every horoscope is different and is a representation of the personality and destiny of the individual.

While the word zodiac literally means circle of life, it is a 360 circle around the earth, which is divided into 12 signs of the Zodiac (zodiac signs), each 30 degrees long. Each Zodiac sign symbolizes a character, a tendency, which affects any celestial body therein. The planets express what happens, the Houses where it happens, the aspects why, and the Zodiac signs how. Every planet moves through the Zodiac, and changes character according to what sign it is in. The planets are the acting forces in the horoscope, but the Zodiac signs nuance and alter their character.

So horoscope uses zodiac signs to analyze or predict someones future!

Horoscope Symbols, Houses and Figures

Horoscope Symbols

In a horoscope, the zodiac circle has twelve signs, each of which possesses a specific influence and quality all its own. The revolution of the earth around the sun makes the sun appear to travel through the zodiac at a rate of one sign per month or a degree a day. The circle begins with Aries and concludes with Pisces. Each sign has traits that set it apart from the others.

Horoscope Houses

There are 12 houses of the horoscope define as twelve areas of our life. The beginning of each of the houses is called it cusp.

  • 1st house associated with: The Ascendant, Your projected behavior, temperament, health, how you react to those around you, and outer self, personality, appearance.
  • 2nd house associated with: Wealth (money, possessions), income potential
  • 3rd house associated with: mental aptitudes, early childhood, everyday communication, siblings, early education
  • 4th house associated with: domestic affairs and conditions, the nurturing parent, home, and family life. The end of life
  • 5th house associated with: Love affairs, procreation, your children, creative expression, luck and speculation
  • 6th house associated with: The work environment, the employer and employees, the routine, health issues, hygiene
  • 7th house associated with: Marriage partner, business partners, contracts, joint endeavors
  • 8th house associated with: Attitude toward life/death, possessions of others, wills and legacies; sex and regeneration
  • 9th house associated with: Religion, philosophy, publishing, higher learning, distant travel, foreign countries
  • 10th house associated with: Reputation, social status, fame or the lack of it, worldly stand! ing, the other parent.
  • 11th house associated with: Friends, clubs, organizations, associations, goals, hopes, and wishes
  • 12th house associated with: the subconscious mind, hidden resources, hidden problems, social responsibility


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