The astro-weather report for the week ahead: April 21-27, 2012 - Examiner

The week ahead begins with the Saturday (April 21) Taurus New Moon, then Sunday is Earth Day. This week-end and the week ahead were definitely meant for celebrating Taurus and enjoying the many sensual pleasures of life in the human body. (For astrology in Atlanta)

First an apology: I'm sorry I dropped out last week and neglected to warn you. So let me just say, if you were spinning and felt a little displaced and dizzy, you weren't alone. What happened? Well, Mars in Virgo was opposite Neptune in Pisces (read confusion vs taking action), and on top of that Mars was taking his time getting back to his normal straight forward self (read Mars has been stalled at 3 Virgo from April 8 - 21). Many people, including myself, had a pretty tough time last week dealing with obsessive thoughts that became stuck in a repetitive mode while at the same time we were repeatedly analying other situations. It was very difficult for our mental wheels to get any traction.


After turning around, revving up his engine and spinning his wheels for a while, Mars finally begins to slowly take its first tentative steps forward this weekend. Mars will remain in Virgo, a mutable sign, until July 3. So even when Mars resumes it's normal pace expect some mutability in your actions (read - flexibility, adaptability, perhaps even hesitation in knowing what you want to do next). It may still take some of us a while to act decisively.

The coming week appears to be a lovely Spring gift. Everything is moving forward and there are really no astro complications to be dealt with.

April Elliot Kent, an astrologer who selects perfect wedding dates says:

"This New Moon is one of the dates I've offered to many wedding couples (perhaps you're among them?) as an excellent date to begin their marriage. What makes it so good? It's all about the Sun and Moon in steady, stable Taurus (one of the very best signs for the Moon), approaching good aspects to Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto. Venus, free from difficult aspects, approaches a nice aspect to Saturn (and is still several weeks from her retrograde period).

There are precious few really nice weekend dates for weddings in 2012 and 2013, so if you're attending one this weekend you should assure the blushing bride and groom that their timing is impeccable. And if you're neither getting married nor watching someone else get married at this New Moon, it's nevertheless quite a nice one for socializing of the non-legally-binding kind." Wedding Date Horoscope

Related article: Wedding astrology, how to find that heavenly day

Enjoy the week is pretty uncomplicated... with the Sun in laidback and comfort-conscious Taurus take the opportunity to fully inhabit the physical world and learn from it.

My advice: During the coming week take time to enjoy the sweeter side of life and all its sensual pleasures. Be thanksful that for the next several weeks, we are out of the retro-zone. Yes, Venus goes retrograde on May 15, but that's a long way off, and in the present moment there is no need to put anything on hold.

Note: These are the major astrological trends influencing everyone's life over the next week. They are not specific to your particular natal chart, and the real story for you, is how these general trends will affect YOUR chart. To find an astrologer visit the practitioners page on All things Healing, select astrology and enter your zip code. Or click here for a list of Atlanta Astrologers. 

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Intha Vaara Raasi Palan 04/15/12

Renowned astrologer Srinivasa Ramanujar will predict the coming week for every astrological sign!

Video Rating: 5 / 5


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