
Showing posts from October, 2012

Mars-Mars synastry

When - in a relationship - Mars is in conflict with the partner's Mars, you might expect fire. When there is fire, you might also get hurt. Maybe that is why there are so many examples of conflicts of Mars in synastry in the charts of divorced couples. The latest example is Danny DeVito - Rhea Pearlman (Mars square Mars; see the post on Astrology&Love ). They are about to have a divorce.  I recall Paul McCartney and his Heather  (Mars inconjunct Mars); they separated. Dominque Strauss-Kahn and Diallo Nafissatour  (Mars square Mars); they had a conflict about sex. Queen Victoria with Prince Albert  (Mars semisesquisquare Mars). The royal couple loved each other dearly and he died at age 42. They had a lot of children. (Mars is also the symbol of reproduction) and it might just be that they had a lot of sex, too:).  Mars of Bill Clinton is septile Hillary's Mars and opposition the Mars of Monica Lewinsky ( link to post on Tarot&Love).    Let us say that ...

The 10th House in Astrology : Career and Ambitions

It is said that astrology and horoscopes through psychic readings will help us with a lot of aspects in life. It allows us to see what the most probable things that may happen are. Also, such readings may give us enlightenment as to what things are best to be done and how to make the most of the things that we have. Astrology can touch on life, love, relationships, as well as career. Career can give satisfaction to people. If it goes well, then there may be abundance and contentment. That is why people try to do everything they can to have fulfilled careers and ambitions. Astrology can be a great help here especially if you consider the 10th house in astrology . The Tenth House Ruled by Saturn, it represents one's ambitions, hunger for power, aspiration, authority, and fortune. It determines whether we rule others or if we get ruled by others. Through life's different stages, the ambitions of man change. The Tenth House is also known as the house of "downfalls...

Chart of a skydiver (Baumgartner)

This is the chart of Felix Baumgartner, the skydiver who was about to jump today, from almost out of space. Here is the news  with life video. And see that they say it is been called off. Another delay...gusty winds this time. What kind of a chart does a dare devil have? Evil Knievel's chart shows caution (Moon-Saturn, or else he wouldn't have become that old). This chart, with Saturn rising before the Sun, shows the importance of caution and ambition. He is about to fall out of the sky in New Mexico, in an attempt to go supersonic from a record altitude (23 miles high). Saturn represents 'falling, but still, transit Saturn opposition natal Sun (and semi sextile Uranus), doesn't seem the right moment to me (it would never be the right moment FOR me!) I know that he wanted to jump on October 5 and weather conditions weren't right then. Maybe that was Saturn, too... And how about T Neptune inconjunct Uranus? A perfect aspect for a hype. Here is the chart. I...

The Mercury-Saturn trip

Delay, that is what astrologers expect (at least) when there is a Mercury-Saturn combination in the air or 'hitting' a chart. A good example of the Mercury-Saturn aspect is John Cleese's cab experience.  He was in a hurry and had to pay a fortune to go from Brussels to Oslo because there were no plains due to volcanis ash. When you travel with Mercury Saturn something might go wrong with your appointment. So when I met another astrologer in London with Mercury square Saturn, we were both too early as we expected delays! It's harder to be exactly on time with Saturn...even for astrologers. Mercury-Saturn block or delay normal transport.  I wonder if  Mercury Saturn is at home on every airport, always, but I am sure that my weekend flight to Nice on October 5, 2012 had a Mercury-Saturn component. We had a delay when we left and we had a delay when we were going home. Cause: there was malfunction in an earlier flight....We also had to be patient in a row for about 1,25...

The Story, Origin and Life Meaning of Tarot Card Magician

Have drawn the magician in your tarot card reading? The Story Considered by some to succeed The Fool card, the Fool, while traveling, first encounters a Magician. Self-confident, skillful and powerful, the Magician was able to mesmerize the Fool. The Fool, when asked, then gives over his bundled pack and stick to the Magician. The Magician then raises his wand to heaven and pointed his finger to Earth, calling on all powers. This has caused the cloth of the pack to magically unfold upon the table, revealing its contents. To the Fool's eyes, the Magician appears to have created the future with a word, with all the possibilities laid out and all the directions he can take: The cool, airy Sword of intellect and communication the fiery Wand of passions and ambition the overflowing Chalice of love and emotions the solid Pentacle of work, possessions and body With these tools, the Fool can create and make anything of his life. The Origin Though usu...

Margareth Hone, a Libra astrologer

Margareth Hone was a well known British astrologer and a Libra, born on October 2, 1892. She was known as Peg Hone in the 50's of the 20th Century. Margareth Hone helped founding The Faculty of Astrological Studies in 1948. She worked with the important British astrologers of her days. What Libra can do for astrology, is finding allies and seeking balance working together and finding diplomatic ways to communicate the meaning of the chart. She helped to found the UK Astrological Association . She wrote " The Modern Text Book of Astrology ". This is her chart. The transits and progressions are for the day of her death (see Progressed Sun inconjunct Progressed MC and transit Neptune - ruler 8th house of life and death - square Ascendant). JUPITER URANUS Most astrologers have a Jupiter-Uranus connection in their charts. It is different and not so obvious in the chart of Margareth Hone. Venus is in aspect with both Jupiter (trine) and Uranus (quintile). The A...

All About 25 Amazing Facts About Dreams

Even the Sumerians in Mesopotamia have left evidence of dreams dating back to 3100 BC. According to these early recorded stories, there are gods and kings, like the 7th century BC scholar-king Assurbanipal, who had been recorded to have paid close attention to dreams and have shown evidence of early practices of dream interpretation . Though the content and purpose of dreams are not definitively understood, throughout recorded history, there has been a topic of scientific speculation, as well as a subject of philosophical and religious interest about dreams. Here are some 25 Amazing Facts about Dreams: 1. Dreams mainly occur in the rapid-eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, which is revealed by continuous movements of the eyes during sleep. This is the stage when brain activity is high and resembles that of being awake. Although, there are also times that dreams may occur during other stages of sleep. However, these dreams tend to be much less vivid or memorable. 2. It was unt...

Deep Understanding on Astrological Moon Sign and Its Role

Moon signs are the moving cycle in the horoscopes that govern the emotional, sympathetic and compassionate side of our personality. In combination with your Sun sign, your Moon sign can help provide a detailed insight into your inner self, helping you to understand what you need to feel whole and complete. The next most planetary placement in a person's horoscope chart, the moon sign changes the way the moon expresses itself on a person's chart, which depend upon the astrological signs that it falls in. It has an effect on us all on an emotional level and as it moves through the astrological signs, all of us feel its effect. On an esoteric level, the moon is: Feminine – shy moody, receptive, week, fearful, and introspective Watery – concerned with emotions and feelings Cardinal will not be held under the thumb and initiates business also desires success, represents women, the mother, maternal instincts or the urge to nurture, and, in mundane as...