Mars-Mars synastry

When - in a relationship - Mars is in conflict with the partner's Mars, you might expect fire. When there is fire, you might also get hurt. Maybe that is why there are so many examples of conflicts of Mars in synastry in the charts of divorced couples. The latest example is Danny DeVito - Rhea Pearlman (Mars square Mars; see the post on Astrology&Love ). They are about to have a divorce. I recall Paul McCartney and his Heather (Mars inconjunct Mars); they separated. Dominque Strauss-Kahn and Diallo Nafissatour (Mars square Mars); they had a conflict about sex. Queen Victoria with Prince Albert (Mars semisesquisquare Mars). The royal couple loved each other dearly and he died at age 42. They had a lot of children. (Mars is also the symbol of reproduction) and it might just be that they had a lot of sex, too:). Mars of Bill Clinton is septile Hillary's Mars and opposition the Mars of Monica Lewinsky ( link to post on Tarot&Love). Let us say that ...