The 10th House in Astrology : Career and Ambitions

It is said that astrology and horoscopes through psychic readings will help us with a lot of aspects in life. It allows us to see what the most probable 10th House in Astrology : Career and Ambitionsthings that may happen are. Also, such readings may give us enlightenment as to what things are best to be done and how to make the most of the things that we have. Astrology can touch on life, love, relationships, as well as career.

Career can give satisfaction to people. If it goes well, then there may be abundance and contentment. That is why people try to do everything they can to have fulfilled careers and ambitions.

Astrology can be a great help here especially if you consider the 10th house in astrology.

The Tenth House

Ruled by Saturn, it represents one's ambitions, hunger for power, aspiration, authority, and fortune. It determines whether we rule others or if we get ruled by others. Through life's different stages, the ambitions of man change.

The Tenth House is also known as the house of "downfalls" because it is here that one feels the consequences or results of each action, bad luck, mistakes, or misfortune. Sometimes also, the tenth house is called the house of social status as it is involved with how one gets his position in the community or society.

The Tenth House also involves vocation. Vocation, in contrast to career and ambition, is about a calling and having a role in society. It is all about social responsibility. Rules at work or an organization are also considered in this house.

If the sun is in the tenth house, there is the need to shine in public and become the center of attention.

The moon in the tenth house is largely about food and home. Jobs that are related to this are those connected with hotels and restaurants.

If Mercury is in the tenth house, then communication plays a major role in the person's career. Also, jobs like newscaster, public speaker, and writer are among those that are favored in this position.

Venus in the tenth house is about beauty, charm, and social graces.

Mars in the tenth house is about energy, initiative and action and as a result, one can have a career in the military or as an athlete or police officer.

Jupiter in the tenth house will bring you luck, regardless of the place and time.

Saturn in the tenth house is the best for people who are inclined to business and medical science and research.

When Uranus is in the tenth house, you might as well have to forget about wanting to climb the corporate ladder. It is much too little for you. Most probably, you will be working in your own corporation or company.

Neptune in the tenth house will prove to be a confusing time for you. You may finish a certain degree that has nothing to do with what you want to be doing for a living.

Pluto in the tenth house deals with rebirth. It may be likened to shifting from one industry or career to another.


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