The Story, Origin and Life Meaning of Tarot Card Magician

Have drawn the magician in your tarot card reading?Tarot Card The Magician

The Story

Considered by some to succeed The Fool card, the Fool, while traveling, first encounters a Magician.

Self-confident, skillful and powerful, the Magician was able to mesmerize the Fool. The Fool, when asked, then gives over his bundled pack and stick to the Magician. The Magician then raises his wand to heaven and pointed his finger to Earth, calling on all powers. This has caused the cloth of the pack to magically unfold upon the table, revealing its contents.

To the Fool's eyes, the Magician appears to have created the future with a word, with all the possibilities laid out and all the directions he can take:

  • The cool, airy Sword of intellect and communication
  • the fiery Wand of passions and ambition
  • the overflowing Chalice of love and emotions
  • the solid Pentacle of work, possessions and body

With these tools, the Fool can create and make anything of his life.

The Origin

Though usually depicted as a very powerful Magus with the skill and ability to command occult forces, the Magician has started life as a street performer, entertainer, juggler and stage magician or the mountebank" or the "sleight of hand artist".

The Magician is believed that he would have been numbered 1 in the sequence of the Trump cards, although this is exactly the same as today.

In the game of Tarot, the magician is considered to be of lowly status and only provided a low level of risk taking.

In terms of symbolism, though more explicitly turned into a conjurer as time went by, but in the Visconti-Sforza, the magician is said to have also been represented as a merchant or an artisan, which is very common to the art culture of the time. There is a Mantegna Tarocchi image that would seem to correspond with the Magician that is labeled Artixano, the Artisan; he is the second lowest in the series, outranking only the Beggar.

From there, the magician was then turned into a magus.

Life Meaning

  • The Magician symbolizes new beginnings, initiative and new opportunities to use talents and perform right action at any given moment.
  • In a spread, the Magician is said to point to the talents, capabilities and resources at the querent's disposal. Depending on the card's placement in relation to other cards, the magician brings the message to tap into one's full potential rather than holding back, especially when there is a need to transform something. There are choices and directions to take, where guidance can arrive through one's own intuition or in the form of someone who brings about change or transformation.
  • This tarot reading card can mean that there is a manipulator floating around, usually if it's reversed. Though he might be a beneficent guide, he does not necessarily have our best interests in mind.
  • The Magician is said to be about making higher and better use of all of one's power, whether spiritual, emotional, and otherwise.
    In a tarot card reading, the magician card can remind us that we have the power to make a difference, in our lives and in the greater world, if we simply make a point to try.
  • Upright – the card signifies mastery of the material world, creative action, self discipline and a willingness to take risks. It also symbolizes an ability to recognize one's own potential, the power to initiate, communication and wit. The Magician Tarot card is said to typically appear in a Tarot reading at a time in your life when you have the creative power and energy to create a new life cycle for yourself.
  • Ill Dignified or Reversed – this signifies confusion, hesitation, inability to make decisive choices, inability to properly utilize time or talents as well as lack of inspiration or energy. This also signifies giving up easily, poor self image, poor co-ordination and sometimes learning difficulties. This also may indicate greed, deceit, manipulation and using one's skill and ability for negative ends. It can reflect trickery and cunning, untrustworthy and mental confusion.

In a reading, the presence of the magician:

  • in Work, means a possibility of an improvement in your work/career life, which points to an excellent time to find new work or to ask for and receive a promotion in your current job if that is possible
  • in Love, means there is a more likelihood of meeting someone new if you are in the market for a new romance, while if you're in a long-term relationship, the card might indicate that the relationship will very likely seem to rise to new, deeper levels of commitment and enjoyment
  • in Spirituality, means that it is an excellent time for you to be undertaking some form of spiritual study that you've thought about in the past but haven't had the opportunity to pursue


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