Tarot Connection to Zodiac Sign Taurus
The constellation of Taurus has long been identified with a bull, which is an ancient multicultural symbol of fecundity, creative power, and the eternal cycle of life, death, and resurrection. In Greek mythology, for instance, the bull-form Zeus traversed the Sea passing through the Zodiac which forms the origin of the myth of the Cretan Bull, in order to win a mythical Phoenician princess called Europa. Taurus (Latin for bull) is the zodiacal sign related to the hierophant trump of the tarot . The sign Taurus belongs to the element earth and is ruled by the planet Venus (the goddess of love), which is associated with the empress trump of the tarot card . The tarots earthy pentacles illustrates scenes from daily life related to work, finance, farming, fertility, apprenticeship, education and family life. The Hierophant Hierophant (from Greek hieros, meaning sacred and phainein, meaning to reveal) is the title of the high priest of the Eleusinian cult, which worshipped the goddess Demet...