Ways To Improve and Develop Your ESP Abilities

 Improve and develop your ESP

There are times in our lives when we randomly think of a person and then all of a sudden, that person calls us or texts us. On some other occasion, we hum a tune in our mind and then our friend who is right next to us suddenly sings the chorus of that same song. Is this coincidence? Or is it fate? This is simply Extra Sensory Perception or ESP.

They say that to have this gift, we have to work hard. We have to study and research and practice how to do it. But then, the gift of ESP is within us, just as we all have psychic abilities. And just like our psychic abilities, we lose our ESP as we age.

Getting back this ESP will entail steps. Do read the following steps to gain back ESP.

1. Have the desire

In achieving every goal, there has to be the desire. For without desire, working on the goal will not last. It is what drives the person to work and it motivates him. Perhaps it would help by thinking about all the great things that can be experienced if this goal has been achieved.

2. Learn to believe

There are two things to believe in trying to have ESP and other psychic abilities. First of all, one should believe that ESP is real; that it exists. Secondly, one should believe that ESP can be achieved. There should be no room for skeptics in this field. If one does not believe in himself, then there is no point in trying to gain it.

3. Talk to people with experience

It may not be very obvious but there are many people out there who are already practicing ESP in giving psychic advice. Trying to talk to these people will help one ac! hieve th e gift sooner. They will have many advices based on their experience.

4. Talk to a teacher

It is alright to do some self-study on this field. But then, it would help even more to engage in formal training. The best thing to do is to find a teacher on psychic abilities who can guide a person through the process. A person can either enroll in a class or simply have more private lessons. The teacher can also give psychic advice to anyone who wants to learn about the field.

5. Learn to meditate

It may be said that meditation is among the core skills one should learn when it comes to awakening psychic abilities. Meditation allows a person to experience calmness, control over thoughts, and overall awareness.

6. Reading really helps

In every aspect of learning, reading continues to be the best tool. It can help a person understand better the basic processes, skills, and requirements for gaining ESP. Aside from books, one can also get inputs from web content.

7. Internet

What does the internet not have? Its coverage is so vast that it can have answers for everything. The advantage of referring to the internet is that it is interactive. Aside from texts and articles that can be read, it is also where people of the same likes meet. So anyone who likes to learn about psychics and ESP can always find people who have the knowledge about the topic.

8. Exercise by oneself

Exercise is not only for ones physique. It is also for the mind. And just like exercising to be able to perform strenuous activities, exercising is also necessary to fully learn using the ESP. This must be started alone first to get used to ones pace.

9. Exercise with a group

Once a person has already identified his pace, he can now join with a group. Exercising with other people can be exciting.

10. Experience it

Experience, as they say, is the best teacher. So when one wants to learn healing and other psychic abilities, it would pay to see a healer. This will give him a first-hand experience of healing.

ESP is something that can be achieved. It only needs practice and faith.


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