Pros and Cons of the Tarot Card the Lover

Tarot card The Lover

The Lovers tarot card, from the name itself, refers to companionship and marriage. The number six is considered a love number in astrology so it is also associated with the Lovers tarot card. The card, featuring Adam and Eve, represents two opposite yet complementing polarities. Just like the two first men of creation, Yin and Yang, positive and negative, male and female, and subconscious and conscious are complementing. Though these are opposites, they work in harmony together.

For example, the conscious mind is represented by male while the subconscious is represented by the female. But together, these two produce a child. In another sense, especially in the spiritual realm, it is the conscious mind that impregnates the subconscious and the subconscious nurtures this seed until it is given birth in the physical world.

What can the Lovers tarot card mean in a reading?

The Lovers tarot card appears in a tarot card reading and can mean any of the following:

  • If a person has reached a point in his life path where he encounters a fork, the card appears. This fork may be a situation wherein the person will need to make a decision about a love issue in his life. This could be whether the person will have to say yes or no to a relationship.
  • This could also come up if the person seeking the help of tarot cards has some issues that need to be resolved in marriage. The person may be going through a difficult time wherein he has to make some decisions that can ultimately change the lives of the people involved in the marriage.
  • This card can also mean that the person seek! ing the tarot reading is confused about his lovers. He may have two or more lovers and is not sure of who to choose between or among them.

In situations like this, the Lovers tarot card tells the seeker to weigh first the pros and the cons of both situations before making a final decision.

This card will also come up if the person seeking the reading is looking for someone special and there is one coming in the future.

When one encounters this tarot card in readings, the seeker will have to accept that fact that not all people who come to our lives will be everything we ever imagined them to be. Sometimes, they may be our exact opposite (like nothing is really common) but then in so many ways, out attitudes and beliefs complement. This is a positive thing.

There will also be times when a person has so much common things with us that there is so much chemistry.

Tarot card readings are a way of helping people prepare for their future. However, these should not control their lives. People must not do things that will force the predictions to happen. Things have to let these happen at their own pace.


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