Date of Birth Interpretation in Numerology

numerology defines birth date

Numerology has long been a part of telling about the life of a person. It is the art and science of numbers. And currently, the most useful date for numerology is the persons birthdate.

Today, looking at a persons actual birthdate is the way to know his numerology. For example, a person is born on December 18, 1982. The only number to be considered is the birthday which is 18. Since the number 18 is a two-digit, then it will have to be reduced to 1 number (between 1-9). We can arrive at that by adding 1 plus 8 to get 9 (a single digit).

After having taken ones numerology, refer to the different numbers below to know what your number tells about your life.


Those who are born on dates 1, 10, 19, 28 who have 1 as their number are known to be bold, greatly esteemed persevering, hardworking, honest, and trustworthy.

They are also born with leadership skills which make it easy for them to connect and make friends. These people are going to be admired by society for their actions and qualities. A life of beauty, taste, and good manners are what appeal to these people. Accordingly, they do not like disarray, laziness, and slackness.

People who are one have a charismatic personality that matches their physical looks.


These are people who are born on dates 2, 11, 20, and 29. These people who are a number two are flighty and imaginative and they are stronger mentally than physically. Because these people are gentle and merciful, they tend to live for others and that they find it hard to say no to people.

People with 2 as their numerology are easy to fall in love with and that they easily attract friends. They can also read peoples minds.

Their! lucky c olor is light green which increases mental ability and wearing of white clothes increases luster and valor. They are to avoid blue and purple.


These are people who are born on 3, 12, 21, 30. Three is a number that is indicative of boldness and strength. Although 3s are rather religious, they are not tied to conventional religion and that they are in tuned to their spiritual side.

3s are gifted with gab and logic and they are also ambitious, wise, and liberal minded. The lucky colors of 3s are yellow, purple, blue, and pink.


These people are born on 4, 13, 22, and 31. People who are fours live a life of sudden ups and downs. They are also fickle minded. And because of this, they tend to be indecisive. Because of their aggressiveness, subordinates become fearful of them. They can oftentimes be selfish and intolerant especially that they believe that it is their right to break the rules.

Their lucky colors are blue, gray and khaki.


These are people born on 5, 14, and 23. It can be said that 5s are people who are endowed with thinking power such as new arguments, modern thoughts, wonderful scheming, logic, and understanding. They are also able make new acquaintances very easily. These people also tend to be lucky as they are known to look younger than they actually are.

Their lucky colors are light green, white, and gray.


These are people born on 6, 15, and 24. These people are considered most attractive as they also like to dress up and be surrounded by beauty. These people do not like uncleanliness, disorder, and poor etiquette. Though people who are a 6 are sensual, healthy, and powerful, they can also be materialistic as they love to spend.

The colors that are good for them are light blue, pink, yellow, and white.


People with 7 as their numerology are born on dates 7, 16, and 25. Compassion, t! olerance , and cooperation are the stand-out characteristics of 7s.

They are known to be imaginative, gentle, calm, and collected. Water and travel are their fetishes and so they have the chance to find great fortune in these. These people are also thinkers and they love philosophizing. People may like to be with them because the pure luck of 7s is contagious to those who go with them.

Sevens are also easily remembered and they have a magnetic personality.


These people are born on dates 8, 17, and 26. This number 8 is considered the number of confidence. These people like to work without making known to the world their endeavors. However, when their work is seen, it is surely astonishing to people.

When these people are in the mood, their personality can be cool and calm. But when they are angry, they erupt like a volcano.


These are people born on dates 9, 18, and 27. People who are born a nine have shining personalities. Their personalities are burning fiercely and are full of light and intensity. Though they are stubborn at times, they are fearless and daring. The health of these people deteriorates with age so they are advised to take care of themselves.

Their impatience often leads to misunderstandings. Honor matters to them that is why they lay down their lives for honors sake.

Numerology tries to explain the type of person each of us is. But it doesnt mean that these are all true and that all these apply to all people. The ultimate thing is that it all still lies in the hands of the person living his own life.


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