The dominating sun in a chart

You can't overlook the sun in the sky and you can't overlook the people with an important 'calling' sun in the chart. Sometimes not being overlooked is not in their favor. Schapelle Corby has the Sun on Midheaven, no major aspect in sign or orb 5 degrees and at the airport she drew attention. The MC didn't have major aspect either, so that the situation got out of her hands. But most often those with what I name a 'calling' sun want to be in the center of attention and try to get that attention, somehow, anyhow, like for exempel Roseanne Barr (see the chart and the story on Art&Astrology: , Adolf Hitler, Hillary Clinton, J.F. Kennedy, John Lennon and Youssouf Islam (Cat Stevens). Sometimes they become a political leader, but with this 'calling' sun in your chart, you sure would know how to draw attention as a child (at school, as the leader of a group of children). ...