Psychic sessions coming to the St. George Theatre
Char Margolis -- an internationally known medium, author, one-time reality-show host and a regular on "Dr. Phil" -- will share that gift in semi-private readings at the St. George Theatre on March 30 and March 31, both days from noon to 2:30 p.m. and from 6:30 to 9 p.m.
There was the time when she was 4 and she told her parents they had been overcharged at the supermarket, the time she knew the bill at a restaurant was too high and the time when she was 8 years old and saw "a spirit standing at the foot of my bed holding a little bag, he put his hand in the bag and all these gold lights came shining upon me."
She never wanted to be alone, especially at night, until college, when she connected with people "involved with the spiritual community."
It was then that she knew her ability was a gift from the universe.
Ms. Margolis -- an internationally known medium, author, one-time reality-show host and a regular on "Dr. Phil" -- will share that gift in semi-private readings at the St. George Theatre on March 30 and March 31, both days from noon to 2:30 p.m. and from 6:30 to 9 p.m.
Tickets are $500 per person and can be purchased at or
"I've always known I would do something special with my life," Ms. Margolis told the Advance in a phone interview from South Africa, where she is currently holding a similar event.
"I did a reading for someone and all this knowledge came pouring out of me, names and situations that I couldn't know. I had an epiphany that this was what I was supposed to do."
Ms. Margolis, 60, a Michigan native, came across the St. George Theatre in November when she attended a show hosted by fellow medium and friend John Edward.
She said the theater "had an amazing energy to it," so she asked to do a show of her own.
"I find medium readings very inspiring, especially to those who have loss," said Doreen Cugno, executive director of the theater. "There are a lot of believers and a lot of disbelievers, but for those who have loss, why not give it a try?"
Intimate tables will be set up throughout the theater, most likely in the main lobby.
"I connect people with their loved ones in the spiritual world," said Ms. Margolis, who accurately named two relatives and one friend of this reporter. "I also help people prevent problems and attain goals in their life."
Ms. Margolis recognizes there are those who think mediums are a lot of bunk.
"Some people aren't sure of the spiritual world, but when my predictions come true, they go 'Oh, my God.' They tell me I rocked their world. It opens people's minds.
"The reason I love to do this is because everyone has the gift of intuition. Although, some things in our life are predetermined, our choices are not. We can change the path we're on when we use logic, common sense and intuition to make decisions."
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