Today's Horoscope - Winnipeg Free Press

By: Georgia Nicols

MOON ALERT Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 4:15 a.m. until 6:15 a.m. After that the moon moves from Gemini into Cancer.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

Guard against arguments with others, especially neighbours and siblings. Don't be quick to react if you feel offended. Take a breath. Create a little space in the situation. Today any kind of knee-jerk reaction could get you in trouble.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Financial matters are unpredictable today. Keep an eye on your money. You might find money; you might lose money. Similarly, guard your possessions against loss or theft. Anything could happen to your cash flow or even your earnings. (Oops.)

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

You're tempted to jump to conclusions today, especially if somebody criticizes you. (Well, who wouldn't?) But what is at play is people are highly independent and impatient with restraints. Even you feel rebellious about taking on your own responsibilities.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Today you feel a deep sense of unrest. You might know why you feel this way or you might not. In particular, you feel rebellious against authority figures -- bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. You don't want others telling you what to do. You want to be free to do your own thing!

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Something might catch you off guard today, to the extent that you change your goals for the future. Perhaps someone says something that discourages you? Or perhaps they encourage you in a totally new direction? People are very quick to shift positions today.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Something might happen when dealing with authority figures that, to you, seems to be the last straw. ("That's it!") If you have the restraint, don't react. You might regret it later. Don't quit your day job. Today we are all tempted to display poor judgment. Chill out.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

There's a good chance travel plans will be cancelled or changed today. Ditto for anything to do with higher education, medicine, publishing, the media and the law. Stay light in your feet so you can jump in either direction. But do not overreact if something happens that you don't like.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Sudden changes in your financial matters or anything to do with shared property might occur today. If something unusual does occur, guard against a hasty reaction.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Tiptoe around good friends and partners today because people are very unpredictable. In one way, they're excitable and spontaneous. But sometimes too much of a good thing can be dangerous.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Interruptions to your day job are very likely today. Computer crashes, power outages, staff shortages, cancelled meetings and fire drills are just a few examples of how your day can go sideways in the New York minute. New technology can be exciting. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Parents should be extra alert today because this is an accident-prone day for your children. This could also be an accident-prone day for sports, so be careful. The upside is that unexpected invitations to social events or spontaneous parties could make your day!

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Something unexpected in your home routine is very likely today. For starters, you might burn the toast or run out of coffee. Small appliances could break down. Minor breakages could occur. Domestic spats are likely. Or everyone could have a great time! Anything can happen. Hope for the best and you might get it.


The sixth (and latest) actor to play James Bond, Daniel Craig (1968), shares your birthday. You work hard to achieve what you want, but your success doesn't go to your head. You're not filled with self-importance. You remember your beginnings. In your 20s, you become more feisty and aggressive; but by your 50s, you start to mellow and take time to enjoy the good life. In the year ahead, you will focus on partnerships and close friendships.

History, astrology and computers

The best way to study astrology, in my opinion, is to check and study history. On my site Astromarkt there are three such studies:

In this study you will see that there were more revolutions starting without Uranus-Pluto in history, than with…Thought provoking, not?

Some astrologers said that there would be a world wide epidemic flu when Saturn was opposition Neptune. It turned out to be untrue. Of course, because history shows that there was never such an event when Saturn was opposition Neptune. In 3 out of 5 times Saturn-Neptune conjunctions ‘failed’ to reflect a world wide flu. Why not? Because Saturn has a 28-30 years cycle and massive epidemics are less frequent (thank God). So the Saturn-Neptune connection won’t help us to ‘see’ if there is epidemic flu coming. See the study…

Neptune is in Pisces and we are in the middle of a revolutionary time. I wondered if this corresponded with earlier positions of Neptune in Pisces, or in other words: what happened when Neptune entered Pisces in history? I didn’t find romantic dreams, I found revolutions related to ideology and religion in702, 866, 1029, 1193, 1357, 1522, 1684 and 1848

I like to share a link to a story that shows how history could have been changed by laptops. Because that is a fact: computers help astrologers to discover more and more about the meaning of aspects, positions and charts. Thanks to the invention of the internet we have free access to a lot of information! Here you see the pictures. For better view, follow the link.

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