Comparison between Electional and Event Astrology Chart

from Psychic Guild Blog

Astrology, along with numerology, has been around since time immemorial. Its popularity has reached a wide audience and many people have seen Electional and Event Astrologyits power, its magnificence. Many people and their problems have been solved because of astrology with the help of psychics.

Astrology helps people see through their future. Though not perfectly, it allows people to have an idea of what may possibly happen or what the future has in store for them. When situations are difficult and call for tough decision making, astrology proves to be very helpful. Many questions about life, love, and career are answered. However, even with all the answers, one thing remains unclear. That is, what exact things can actually happen.

Event astrology, also known as electional astrology, helps people decide on when things should be done. It guides them in choosing the best time to do certain endeavors.

Astrology can be helpful in the following aspects of life.

  • Relationship. This includes love, engagement, marriage, divorce hearings, and moving in together.
  • Career. Under career are the time and date for applying for a new job and starting it, starting an important company project, scheduling a meeting, signing contracts, and opening a business or a branch.
  • Real estate. This may include visiting or seeing a prospective new house, moving in to a new house, and starting a construction.
  • Communication. This may encompass the time for sending a business letter or a business proposal and faxing or emailing proposals.
  • Medical. This may be important for someone who wishes to undergo a medical procedure.
  • Traveling and moving. This may be important also for those people who are moving to another city or are off for a vacation.+

Following the recommendations of such event or electional astrology proves very helpful especially to the success of the endeavor. Historically speaking, kings had to order their astrologers to research on the best times to conduct events like crowning a new king, engaging in wedding events, making their traveling plans, and even planning a war with another kingdom.

There have also been people who in today’s time who have sought astrology and horoscope for their own lives. Certain people have referred to the stars as to the perfect time for their wedding to be held. They firmly say that having followed the recommendations has truly helped them and after having been married for several years, they claim that their married life is still very blissful. Others have also used it for real estate wherein they were able to sell their house within only four months for a good price in a dismal market. Success stories also include a young businessman whose car sales business is booming after he sought the perfect day to open his first branch.

With the above statements, it is deemed very important to refer to the stars for certain advices. Though some people remain skeptical, there is really no harm in trying it out. Always just remember to have faith and that the One above still holds our lives.


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