Predicting the Future by the Use of Common Forms of Divination

Ever since the beginning of time, man has always been fascinated with predicting or looking into the future. They have always wanted to see what it Differnt Forms of Divinationhas in store for them. And this process is called divination. It is the act of gaining insight into a situation, or in some aspect question, through an occultic process. And throughout history, many forms have already been used. However, man's needs for divination is insatiable that is why people have learned to seek the future with the use of the different tools for divination.

If you want to skip having to personally see a person who has psychic powers, then do take note of these tools and forms of divination to save time.

  • Tarot cards. Tarot cards are used for tarot reading. There is really nothing very special in these cards since these have initially been used as a game card played in Medieval Europe and France. However, there were people who have the skill to predict the future using their intuition in reading what are written in the cards. Remember, however, that the power is not in the cards but in the person doing the tarot reading.
  • I Ching Divination. From the name itself, it can be said that it originated in China in order to provide informed consultation to the nobles and well-off families. With this tool come two methods—the yarrow sticks or stalks method and the coins. Quite obviously, the coins were used more popularly by the rich men because it was they who had access to money. Besides, using the coins is much less tedious compared to the yarrow sticks.
  • Runes. Runes have been around even before the Latin alphabet was adopted. These materials, which are made of wood tiles with engraved characters, have also been used for magic. When used for divination, the tiles are placed inside a pouch and then laid out, resembling how the tarot cards are used, or tossing them into the air.

  • Spirit boards. These are also popularly known as Ouija boards. In the beginning, these were used plainly as toys of children that they played with during slumber parties. Today, this has been known to be a tool for talking to the spirit world as it has numbers on it, as well as the alphabet, including a "yes", "no", and "farewell" words. People, however, are being advised to be careful in using it as accounts of possession have been recorded.
  • Crystal ball. This is perhaps the most common thing we imagine when we talk about a psychic, numerology, or even astrology. It is said that the crystal ball gives increases the psychic's ability as well as providing images for interpretation.
  • Pendulums. These are chains with pendants in the middle and are usually attached to a hook. It is allowed to swing back and forth and is said to enable the user to solicit answers from a person.

No matter which of these tools for divination is selected, what is more important is that the person has belief in the tool. Remember, that these tools have no power and their use lie in the hands of the one handling them.


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