The Art and Method of Cold Reading

Have you gone to a party and saw someone stealing the show by putting on a "psychic" stint? If he really is not a real psychic, then most probably, he is doing a cold reading. Cold reading is an art and method wherein the guesser tries to express thoughts about a certain person, his chosen subject, by analyzing his body language, reactions, actions, clothing, fashion sense, gender, sexual orientation and others. Therefore, it is really more about making the most probable guesses on the subject. It is a shallower type of psychic reading.

Here are some ways of doing the cold reading.

Select and subject. The subject is the one you are going to do the cold reading on. You can do this by either choosing one ahead of time or by asking for a volunteer on the spot. The beauty with the first way is that you can have the chance to get to know the person better before your "show", making it easier for you to do your reading. On the other hand, you may also opt to get a volunteer since this person is most likely very open and receptive to your reading. They feel the excitement thinking you can actually connect with them.

Make observations of your subject. Take the time to observe your subject. Look out for verbal and non verbal signals that he emits. Try to skim his body and look for signs for something particular. Take a look at his height and weight and see if he is married or not. And when you already state your readings, observe his reaction through his body language. If he twitches, then maybe he disagrees. But if he does otherwise, you are at the right track.

Start the cold reading. Begin by fishing—probing. And when asking questions, make it sound as if it is a sure statement. Then, for every answer he gives, try to interpret and go from there.

How is cold reading helpful to you?

1. It is a venue for meeting people. Believe it or not, people like to be around psychics. They feel the thrill and excitement. So if you are able to pull off this cold reading, you meet and befriend more people.

2. Intuition grows stronger. Just like any other art or method, doing a cold reading will increase and make your intuition even stronger.

3. Lying becomes obvious. When your intuition is already stronger, then you become more sensitive to people who make lies. It becomes a natural thing for you because you have grown your sensitivity.

4. Rapport is built. When people are touched by your cold reading, they will tend to like you more and become thankful for the help you have given.

5. Source of added income. Cold reading, just like any other psychic reading, is a source of income. But make sure you are not deceiving other people. Do it as honestly and truthfully as you can. Do not also overcharge. It would be enough to receive any amount that comes from the client's heart because it will lead him to believe that you are not lying and scheming.

If you are able to practice and master the above steps, you can do your own cold readings and feel like a psychic anytime you want.


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