Venus quindecile Ceres on Xmas

Venus, Bacchus, Ceres en Amor (Cornelis Cornelisz) The chart of Xmas night (I mean December 25, zero hours) has an aspect that is very much in line with what will be happening on Xmas day: Venus is quindecile Ceres. Remember my tweets about Ceres and cooking and nutrition? Ceres with Venus is also the symbol of motherly love and the love to nurture. It is such a proper aspect for those Xmas days of luxury food! I'll tell you why. 1. Venus is the symbol of preferences, style, sweetness, beauty, entertainment, love and pleasure. 2 Ceres is important in the natal charts of famous chef cooks. Julia Child, for example, started making recipes when her progressed Sun was opposition Ceres! 3. Venus and Ceres both like comfort and to comfort... So...I hope that your Xmas dinner will be prepared by someone who loves (Venus) to nurture (Ceres) and that you will love (Venus) the cook (Ceres) with the strong and fanatic focus (165 degree aspect) required by the quindecile, even i...