Love and Relationship Through Astrology’s Point of View
Did you know that there is a particular branch in astrology that specifically studies relationship?
Synastry is usually used to look into the actual links between two people via their individual horoscope, studying the secrets of all kinds of personal relationships, from love to attractions.
In synastry, the relationships between the 10 planets which show the universal urges we all need to experience and express on planet Earth, the 12 astrological signs of the Zodiac which represent 12 different types of spiritual energy and purpose as well as show the individual style with which we express these urges, and the houses (sectors of the chart) which show the arena in which each urge can best be activated and satisfied are studied and then described in words and often rated in numbers basing on the patterns and distributions of energy in the respective and combined horoscope charts to show the couple's compatibility or incompatibility, specifically to what degree, how, and in what ways one person is compatible or incompatible with another.
The key to self-knowledge, especially concerning our often conflicting inner drives and energies as well as how these energies operate at the level of the psyche are revealed in our birth chart.
Facts about Synastry Analysis
- Also called chart comparison, Synastry Analysis makes an assessment of the actual crucial links between all the personal planets, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, and the rising sign of each individual birth chart as well as the outer planets, the deep karmic indicators of life and relationship.
- The analysis of your own horoscope in synastry is said to show your capacity for relationships and the basic type of lover or partner you seek.
- a full analysis of anyone's birth chart in synastry, or your partner's will outline:
- your temperament and ego drives (Sun)
- your self-image (Ascendant, or Rising Sign)
- your outward personality, emotional expression and security needs (Moon)
- your way of communicating and mental processes (Mercury)
- your likes, desires and aesthetic sense (Venus)
- your sexual expression and activity level (Mars)
- Synastry analysis can be use to assess personal compatibility at a number of levels such as:
- outlines our overall compatibility
- describes two people's capacity to communicate, showing areas of interest they share
- the intensity of the physical attraction between 2 people
- says whether they would share and support each other's goals and spiritual ideals
- show how prospective and existing partners are likely to behave in a relationship, providing you a reliable account of the range of ways (physical/sensual, emotional/feeling, mental/thinking, spiritual/soul) the two of you are likely to interact with each other
- show you the rightness of the person to you
- show you whether the relationship is destined to succeed or fail, and gives an indication of where it is heading
- the comparison of the couple's horoscope charts can reveal much more about the range of potentials in a relationship than the comparison of Sun signs alone
- The knowledge gain Synastry analysis is said to be helpful in gaining understanding on the way people behave, interact and mix in a relationship. This knowledge can also be of great help to partners to learning to be more compassionate toward each other, and adopt more realistic expectations of the relationship.
Synastry Analysis Important To Remember:
- the complementary Sun and Moon signs and the mutual interplay between a woman's Mars and a man's Venus will usually indicate love and physical attraction
- when one person's chart factors blend well with those of another, this means a good rapport is assured, regardless of the nature of the relationship
- in Synastry, the planet Venus, which rules attraction, romantic love and pleasure, is particularly important
- Venus interaspects are commonly seen with couples who enjoy a long-lasting and significant union
- The Nodes of the Moon, showing strong Nodal ties are said to be powerful. This means that the individuals are drawn to each other and when a person's Nodal axis falls on personal planets or points the other person's chart, this means that the magnetism is powerful.
- Some considers Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto's roles in synastry as signifying karmic connections.
- In synastry, Saturn is said to represent ties to one another that are binding. strong Saturn interaspects are almost always seen in significant, long-term relationships
- Attraction in conjunctions, refers not only to romantic interest but to all kinds of interest between people
- Squares in the charts often means there are issues of rightness involved, and emotional security may be jeopardized by disagreements
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