5 Steps on How to Read and Classify Psychic Chart Components

Astrology is made up of a number of belief systems that studies the relationship, connection and interactions between those of us on Earth and the planets and stars.

Unlike what you read in the daily horoscope section of the newspaper, astrology, following the patterns of movement of the sun, moon, stars, and other planetary objects in relation to a person's time of birth, assigns meanings to them that relate to human motivation and consciousness as well as explain aspects of a person's personality and predict future events in their life. Once all of these meanings are compiled, it can generate a very complex and detailed description of a person's profile.

To help predict future happenings or any moment in time, you can use astrology charts.

Your birth chart, also commonly called as natal charts, horoscopes, nativity, radix, among others, is a stylized map of the universe with you at the center.

Calculated for the exact time and location of your birth, your birth chart can tell you all about the energetic influences at play, and what life lesson you can expect as well as insight into your personality and potential, helping you understand what makes you who you are and how you relate to the rest of the world.

By learning to read an astrology chart, you will be able to gain insight into yourself and your future.

Here are the steps in how to read your astrological chart:

1. Known first your Psychic Symbols. Psychic's primary language is made up of astrological signs or symbols. Each Zodiac Sign and Planet in your horoscope is represented by a symbol and/or a glyph.

  • There are 12 Zodiac Signs and each sign is precisely 30 degrees of arc and have its own astrology symbol, glyph and date. Each sign must be listed in the correct order.
  • The order of the astrological signs starts with Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
  • There are 10 Planets in astrology, this includes the Sun and Moon, and each planet has its own glyph.

2. Learn how to Classify the Zodiac Signs. The 12 Zodiac Signs fall into several categories, namely Duality, Modality and Elements.
Classifying by Duality. In describing the dualities, you can use different names such as assertive/passive, yin/yang, and male/female. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are all assertive (extroverted) signs. Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are all passive (introverted) signs.

  • Classifying by Modality. There are three modes, the Cardinal Signs which are efficacious and self starters, the Fixed Signs which are focused and determined, and the Mutable Signs which are flexible and adaptable.
  • Classifying by Element. The signs are further grouped into one of the four Elements namely Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Each element has its own temperament. The Fire Signs are vital and intense while Earth Signs are practical and stable. Air Signs are social and intellectual whereas the Water Signs are intuitive and emotional.

3. Learn the Planets and Houses in Psychic.

  • Each of the 12 Signs has a planet(s) associated with it, which are called the Ruling Planets.
  • each of the 10 planets rules a Zodiac Sign and a Zodiac House
  • There are 10 Planets and these include the Sun; Moon and 8 planets. Each planet is located within one or another sign, and at a certain degree (0° to 30°), and minute (0' to 60'). These symbols are written into the horoscope Wheel as: planet / degree(s) / sign / minute(s)
    The 12 Houses are the twelve 30° divisions located in the large space in the chart between the inner circle and the second circle. The first house begins at the ascendant, the "nine o'clock" position on the left-hand side of the chart wheel, with the others are numbered counterclockwise from that point.
  • Though the houses' positions remains fixed relative to the native or subject, the signs and planets all move through the twelve houses during the course of a day, and the planets move through the signs over the course of months or years.

4. Understand the Planetary Aspects. This is the geometric angle or the angular relationship the pairs of planets make to one another. Aspects function within an orb of influence, the size of which varies according to the importance of each aspect. The orb is the difference between the exact and the actual aspect. Planetary aspects are:

  • Conjunction (0°). This is 1 – 5 degrees apart.
  • Opposition (180°). This is +/-10 degrees apart
  • Square (90°). This is +/-10 degrees apart
  • Trine (120°). This is +/-10 degrees apart
  • Sextile (60°). This is +/- 5 degrees apart
  • Semi-Square (45°). This is +/-3 degrees apart
  • Sesquisquare (135°) This is semisquare counting from the opposite side
  • Quincunx (150°). This is sometimes called inconjunct or injunct

5. Reading and Interpreting the Birth Chart.

  • Take each planet and point and interpret it in each Zodiac Sign.
  • Take each Planet and interpret it in each house.
  • Take each planetary aspect and interpret it.
  • Analyze the data from the interpretations of the signs, houses and aspects and get an overall feel for the chart as a whole.


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Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for May 24, 2012

Explore today's planetary astrology with Rick Levine and Jeff Jawer's video horoscopes.

Video Rating: 5 / 5


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