Intro to Psychic Abilities: Mediumship or Channeling and Precognition

Ever since ancient time, humans have been quite interested in the physic phenomena and abilities.Understanding Precognition and Mediumship

In the last three decades, there is an increasing momentum in the interest of the paranormal, extrasensory-perception (ESP) and the use of psychic powers in getting psychic readings.

More so, with the continuing popularity of the internet and the increasing demand for a psychic reading as novels, magazines and radio and other types of mass media publications have been invaded by the idea of the existence of psychic phenomena, psychic abilities and experiences as well as the outpouring emergence of live psychics and online psychic doing psychic readings and dispensing psychic advice over the internet.

Generally, when people think of psychic abilities, they tend to associate these with the psychics foretelling psychic abilities, the abilities to predict the future and know what is going to happen before it actually does.

However, in all actuality, this is not the only ability a psychic has; there are lots of different type psychic abilities. And mediumship or channeling and precognition are the two of these psychic abilities.

Mediumship or Channeling Facts

  • Both involves channeling information
  • Though, both Mediumship and Channeling are used by many interchangeably, but there is a difference between the two terms.
  • Mediumship is the ability to communicate with the spirits of the deceased loved ones who have crossed over or who died or spirits.
  • Mediumship is also known as the practice of mediums (person's who practices mediumship) to mediate communication between spirits of the dead and other human beings
  • In mediumship, the subtle bodies of a medium are said to be more loosely connected together than they are in a regular person. In this state, the subtle bodies are therefore, allowed to be easily disconnected and be enabled to be taken temporary control by a non-physical entity, which takes the medium's entire physical-etheric body or a large portion of their etheric body, whether:
  • where the non-physical entity has temporarily possessed the medium's physical-etheric body so it can communicate with physical humans. In this state, the medium's own emotional-mental body is displaced whilst the non-physical entity is in possession.
  • where the medium temporarily relinquish some matter from their etheric body; thus, enabling a non-physical entity to manifest. In this state, the vibratory state of the etheric matter can be slowed down so that the etheric manifestation can become visible to the human eye. There are even some of the etheric matter which can be temporarily condensed into physical matter to enable the entity to interact with the physical world.

  • On the other hand, Channeling is the ability to communicate with the Ascended Maters, our Higher Selves, the Angels, and others, and acting as a channel in bringing forward messages for soul development and spiritual growth
  • Channeling differs from mediumship in that in Channeling, channeler's entire body (the person who has the channeling ability) is not taken possession entirely by the emotional-world entity; they just take control of the voice-box or the arm (which can be seen in the case of automatic writing)


  • also called future sight and second sight
  • a type of extrasensory perception that involves the getting future information that cannot be gotten from presently available and normally acquired sense-based information or laws of physics and/or nature
  • the ability to know about an event before it happens
  • are also known as visions or dreams that provide formerly unknown information
  • Precognitive psychics are said to have the power of:
  • clairvoyance – having the supposed power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses (visions of past, future, or remote events)
  • Clairsentience - clear sensing/feeling' without the physical body
  • Clairaudience - clear hearing' without the physical ears
  • claircognizance – clear knowing
  • precognitcive intuition can also take the form of psychic visions, feelings, or audible messages.


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