Lottery and Jupiter inconjunct Uranus

Jupiter inconjunct Uranus can be Astrological for the unhappy lucky winner. An example...

Lottery Winner Jack Whittaker was born October 9, 1947:
His chart has Jupiter inconjunct Uranus. The Jupiter Uranus combination is almost always, one way or another, present in charts of lottery winners ( but it doesn't work the other eay around; it's like statistics).
The inconjunct says that you have to give up on something, that loss is involved. Whittaker had problems ever since he won. He drank too much, was robbed and sued. He lost a daughter and a granddaughter. Can we blame the lottery for all that? No. But it is clear that some sudden windfalls (Jupiter/Uranus) don't make happy. The inconjunction is a tricky aspect. That aspect might explain why Whittaker's name is on the list of sad lottery stories.


See the label Inconjunct or go to Astromarkt ( ) for more about the aspect of 150 degrees. This connection between two places in a chart is the symbol of lost balance.

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