The Pluto trine transit
I have another example, also of a politician. On September 25, the chairman of the Dutch parlement was chosen by the members and the winner was a woman who's Northern Node (symbol of a group or party or nation) was trine transit Pluto. That is another winner with Pluto's trine! The day after she was confronted with political problems (curious? ).
When I had transit Pluto trine Ascendant I was not in any kind of competition.
Pluto is reflecting force, strenght, intensity, profit, power and politics. Politicians may win with an exact transit of Pluto.
Pluto is also mirroring stress. The Pluto trine is like a big waving flag on life's path or on someone's horizon. But perhaps that is when the race is starting?
About transits of Pluto with Ascendant or Midheaven:
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