22 Classification of Major Arcana/Trumps Cards in Tarot

The tarot card is something that is no longer so unusual to many of us. For years, it has been used as a tool for divination in order to look into the Introduction to Trump Cards in Tarotfuture and guide the seeker with the decisions he has to make. This is despite its humble beginning as a simple deck of cards for games.

In a deck of the tarot, there are two major groupings. One is the Minor Arcana, while the other is the Major Arcana. The first one comprises 56 suit cards of the 78 cards in one deck. Meanwhile, the Major Arcana is composed of 22 cards. This grouping is also known as the Trump.

Here are some information on the different suits of the Major Arcana or the Trump.

1. The Fool. The Fool has no number at all. It is illustrated with a man that almost walks over a cliff. This card represents the beginning of something new, though it may also involve the learning process of something that is new. The image almost falling from a cliff does not mean that you will fail in this new chapter. It only says that you will have to learn much especially that you are not yet a master.

2. The Magician. Numbered as 1, it is the direct opposite of the Fool. Unlike the other one, the magician is full of knowledge and is wise. This goes to the point that he can even manipulate his surroundings.

3. The High Priestess. The image of the High Priestess is of a woman that sits behind a thin veil. Such veil represents unawareness. This card is the balance of the Magician. If such a card appears in any of your readings, it means that you are to go deeper and go beyond what is obvious and superficial.

4. The Empress. Sharing the female archetype of the Major Arcana, opposite the Magician, are the Empress and the High Priestess. Representing the fertile and life-giving mother, the Empress is the source of the pleasures and joys of the senses. If it appears in readings, it may relate to something about motherhood or giving care.

5. The Emperor. This is illustrated by a figure of a stern-looking man. It is he who balances the lavishness of the Empress and imposes force and order.

6. The Hierophant. This card interprets secret knowledge. If this card appears in your readings, it tells the seeker that something that is not very innovative is being faced by him. It also represents the need to conform to rules.

7. The Lovers. Obviously, the Lovers card represents sex and love. When such appears in a reading, it may signal the seeker that she or he is facing a moral or ethical crossroad concerning his relationship.

8. The Chariot. The Chariot represents reflects a healthy or positive ego. And a healthy ego is one that knows what he wants to achieve and knows just how to achieve that.

9. Strength. The Strength in the trump is not just about physical strength found in big arms and towering height. It is more about inner strength which is achieved through perseverance and courage as these are the traits we need in order to make it through our tough times.

10. The Hermit. This card represents a man who lives in seclusion. It seeks to get away from the rest of world in the aim of achieving something that can only be acquired in silence and peace. If it appears in a card, the person needs some time on his own to focus on things at hand and avoid distractions.

11. Wheel of Fortune. This card, when appearing in a reading, tells the seeker that there will be some unexpected encounters in the coming days. It is something that you have not been expecting to occur.

12. Justice. This card signifies that the seeker must do what is supposed to be done. He needs to accept and understand that responsibilities have to be taken.

13. The Hanged Man. The Hanged Man represents the opposite of the obvious. When dealing with problems, we must know when to let go even if we want so much to hold one. It is sacrificing even though we want so much for things to happen our way.

14. Death. Death does not only mean the physical passing of a person. It may also signify the end or completion of anything and usher a new beginning. Though not all deaths or ends are happy, it may bring relief and a feeling of fulfillment.

15. Temperance. This card means slowing down or doing something in moderation. It appears because maybe, the seeker is going too fast or is missing out on putting balance in his life.

16. The Devil. Though the devil is associated almost always with the devil, a rather calmer and milder meaning is applied in tarot card readings. It may reflect the seeker being in an unproductive situation. It may be about the seeker being ignorant of the truth in a certain situation.

17. The Tower. When the Tower card appears in a reading, the seeker may be experiencing or will be experiencing a sudden reversal of fortune. Ideally, change is gradual. However, with the Tower, it is sudden.

18. The Star. The Star indicates hope and enlightenment. When this card appears in a reading, the seeker may be going through something that is so difficult and hopeless. But the card tells you that there is hope and that everything will turn out well soon.

19. The Moon. The Moon is a trump card that represents fears and anxieties that a man faces.

20. The Sun. In readings, the Sun represents you as a confident person and one who is sure of himself. Being a Sun god makes you successful in all endeavors that you have.

21. Judgment. This card tells the seeker that a decision has to be made, regardless of how difficult it may be.

22. The World. Simply put, the World represents success.


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