Astrological Notes on Solar and Lunar Returns in Astrology

In astrology, the planetary return (which includes the sun, moon and other planets) is the moment when a transiting planet returns to the same Returns in Astrologypoint or precise position in the sky that it occupied at the moment of a person's birth, completing a whole circuit of the sky.

Symbolically, a return means that the planet is beginning a new cycle in a person's life.

Astrological Facts: Solar Return

  • Technically, a person's birthday is their 'solar return' as it marks the day when the sun returns to the same position in the zodiac each year as on a person's original birthday. A chart constructed for this exact moment is called the solar return chart.
  • Your solar return chart, also known as birthday horoscope is a wheel-shaped chart which indicates the positions of the planets in relation to the earth at the time of the yearly return of the Sun to the exact position it held when you were born.
  • The solar return chart works as a sort of auxiliary natal or birth chart, painting a picture of just one year, showing what is in store for the coming year.
  • To calculate precisely a solar return chart, the exact position of the sun must be calculated with extreme precision, to the precise moment that the Sun in the sky returns to its natal position, within 1 second of arc (within 2 days of one's birthday) instead of the usual 1 minute of arc that is used in astrology.
  • Your solar return chart patterns will show the foundation from which one will be working to follow the basic life purpose for a year. This point in time is an important part of the life cycle and the resulting chart shows how the stage is set for that year.
  • Your solar return chart will describes the energies for that year, giving you a broad overview of the year ahead as well as shading in the more subtle nuances of experience which may not show up in other forms of predictive astrology.

  • Your Solar Return astrological sign or sun sign is always the same as your natal sun sign.
  • In a solar return chart, the house position is what will change from year to year, with the Moon, Ascendant and other planets will shift to new signs and houses making new aspects in a given year.
  • The exact time of one's solar return is a sacred annual event and forms a basis for a horoscope of import for each individual as it only occurs at only one specific moment each year and only that moment in which the Earth/Sun relationship is exactly the same as when you were born.
  • The importance of solar return horoscopes is unique only to the individual to whom it applies. As the quality of that time of one's solar return becomes the "seed" of that annual cycle, the solar return will be the basis for a horoscope that will describe the astrological factors in effect for that one-year cycle.
  • you'll usually have a different sign rising than you did at birth
  • However, having the Solar Return rising sign the same as your birth and near the same degree indicates a very important year.
    The ruler of the Ascending sign, and its position by sign, house, and aspect, is said to hold more information as to the individual's general temperament and focus for the year.
  • the Ascendant of the Solar Return chart is believed will color the individual's approach to his or her environment for the year
  • The house position of the Sun in the SR chart will show you which areas of you want to shine
  • If you are interested in looking at your finances, you can study the Return's second house, eighth house, and the condition of Venus
  • Make sure to note which planets and points in the natal chart, if any, are effectively brought to an angle of the Solar Return chart. This will show us what natal conditions, or inherent personality issues, are highlighted in the year of the Solar Return.
  • Also, note which Solar Return planets are on or aspecting Solar Return angles. These are transits that are given emphasis in the year of the Solar Return.
  • The 29 degrees and 0 degrees of any sign are the most significant critical degrees in Solar Return interpretation. When found in the SR chart, it means there can be significant events surrounding the energy of the planet/point itself, and/or the house it rules in the chart.
  • When the Solar Return Sun forms a hard angle with the Solar Return Moon or when the Sun is conjunct a Solar Return angle, this means that the upcoming year will be a "big" one (in a transitional sense).
  • The position of the Moon by house and sign will show where your heart is.

Astrological Facts: Lunar Return

  • The Lunar Return is the moment when the moon, which is transiting around the earth, returns to the position it had at birth approximately every 28 days or once a month. A chart constructed for this time is the lunar return chart.
  • The lunar return chart is calculated for the precise moment that the moon occupies the same degree as it did on the day of birth, regardless of time or date along with the precise location you are at the time.
  • Where you are at the time of the Lunar Return is said to affect the house positions of the planets and it is therefore possible to change the planet's location by being elsewhere.
  • The Lunar Return chart is said to only reflect the patterns of the planets and astrological signs of the coming month, covering influences and trends that will prevail during the month until the next return. And with reference to the natal chart and the aspects made between the two, more information can be discovered.
  • The Lunar Return chart can also be used to pinpoint more accurately the timing of the trends shown in the Solar Return.
  • A Lunar return is said to be the astrological depiction of the new beginning you make each month and what results from it until the next cycle begins as determined by the planets in your chart
  • The Lunar Return chart is also said to describe the emotional impact the planets or planetary energies will have on you for the month to come.
  • The lunar return chart is said to especially influence matters ruled by the moon, such as one's moods, domestic life, etc.
    Lunar return also shows how you can identify energies and how they will manifest.
  • In a lunar return reading, the houses are of prime importance as is the ascendant on the chart of the lunar return. The ascendant will illustrate how the individual undergoing the lunar return will manifest his or her personality in relation to his or her sun sign.


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