Useful Steps to Master Tarot Cards Minor and Major Arcana

Part of learning tarot reading is learning and mastering the minor and major arcana. Here are some simple yet effective ways to do that. Minor and Major Arcana

Mastering the Major Arcana

1. First thing to do is to separate the major arcana cards from the rest of the deck. And every morning, one should wake about half an hour earlier to reflect on the cards. To do this, one should get into a quiet and undisturbed room and meditate on the imagery of just one card.

2. Always have a journal beside you while doing this. When thoughts and ideas come to mind, write these down. Never stop at just this. Try to be more sensitive to the ideas and other thoughts that come to mind even after doing this step.

3. This card should be tagged along everywhere one goes for that whole day. Aside from all the thoughts that come to mind, also take note of what have happened during the day and what people have said to you.

4. Before sleeping, lie awake on your bed for another half an hour and reflect on the same one card. Try to read the notes you have taken down and try to relate this to the thoughts you have written about the imagery of the card.

5. This can also be interesting to family members and friends who are celebrating their birthday. You can try to give them a one-card reading by putting together their day, month, and year of birth until a number less than 21 is achieved. This will be their birthday card and add some unique message to that.

6. Once you get comfortable making readings, you can begin to make a reading for strangers.

Mastering the Minor Arcana

1. Bear in the mind the meanings of the suits of the minor arcana. Work or career is represented by wands, relationships and emotions by cups, problems by swords, and finances and material possessions by pentacles.

2. A client's life is represented by court cards while new beginnings, as well as the purest form of the element, are represented by aces.

3. Next thing to do is to separate the minor arcana cards from the rest of the tarot deck. Each morning, pick one card randomly and try to reflect on the imagery of this card for a good 10 to 15 minutes.

4. The card should be carried everywhere with you. Every now and then, you should look at the card and try to associate with it any possible happening during the day that may have a meaning.

5. Try to do your own reading. Pretend that you have varied clients of varied ages who are trying to ask about their day.

6. Never forget to record the readings you have had. These will help you with your next readings.

These are just very simple steps. However, they take commitment and sincerity to master.


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