The Heartache of Mutable Signs in 2012
Neptune swam into Pisces in April 2011 and then retreated into Aquarius in August. It moved into Pisces for a long stay in early February 2012 and will move back and forth over the first three degrees of the sign of the Fish till March 2013. Chiron moved into Pisces in February 2011 and will go back and forth over the first 10 or so degrees till the end of 2013.
If you have planets in the first 10 degrees of the Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius or have your Sun early on in these signs, I dare say you have felt these transits. I was thinking earlier that Neptune makes promises it does not keep and thus causes a sense of disillusionment and loss. And what do you get when Chiron, the Wounded Healer, works on your chart? Great pain that needs healing.
I see the movement of Neptune and Chiron in the early degrees of Pisces as a great testing time for the mutable signs. A time of loss, pain, disillusionment, sacrifice and devotion; a time when many tears are shed. Your life could be going along nicely, or maybe not so nicely, and then these two come along and then you know what real grief and loss are. And that life is indeed so much bigger than you. A force you cannot control and what the Buddha says comes to mind, "Life is suffering."
These are trying times, also because the square between Uranus and Pluto is active right now and many lives are in upheaval. We've are being stripped away of the illusion that we can control things. What I have found helpful right now is faith. Trust. Trust in God that no matter what is happening is happening for the best and that no matter what the outcome, we will be able to deal with it. Trust in the fact that no matter where the waves of Neptune and Chiron grief and loss wash us, we'll survive. That there is a greater force shaping our destiny and all we need to do is surrender to that force and its will and we will be all right.
Neptune dissolves, takes away, asks for surrender and unconditional devotion. Chiron splits your heart open and there is great pain. But in that pain you can find compassion. Eyes that weep, once the weeping is done, are deeper eyes, kinder eyes. Grief and loss can make you bitter, can make your shut your heart and make you turn your face away from life. Or they can make this realm of living a more magical place where we are grateful for much even though we have lost much.
I'll end with a Buddhist prayer a friend sent me:
May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes
May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes
May all sentient beings not be separated from sorrowless bliss
May all sentient beings abide in equanimity, free of bias, attachment and anger.
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