List of Famous Tarot Readers and Their Contribution on Tarot History

For those who question the existence of the tarot cards, it would be helpful for them to know that such tarot have been around since 1425. In the Famous Tarot Readersbeginning, these were used simply for playing games. Later on, it evolved and became related to magic and mysticism. And in the 18th and 19th centuries, it was adopted by occultists, mystics, and some secret societies.

Today, such have been used for tarot card reading, particularly to give enlightenment to people in their decision-making as well as to predict or foresee what may possibly happen in the future. Throughout history, many people claim that a tarot reading has helped them a lot in many aspects of their lives including relationships, career, and money.

With the many tarot card readers who have come and gone, it may be interesting to know the famous ones and their contribution to the craft.

1. Antoine Court de Gebelen (1725-84)

This tarot card reader belonged to a secret society of occultists who was also greatly influenced by Egyptian thought. According to an account, he saw people playing the tarocchi, a common card game then, and realized that the cards had something more about them. He was able to see so many symbolism's in the card and related these to the Egyptian lore. At that time, the cards that he saw were the Marseilles type. As soon as the members of the secret society of occultists put symbols and artwork in the cards, the cards generally changed. The treatise that he wrote were actually attributed to the modified set of the tarot cards.

2. Eliphas Levi (1810-1875)

Levi was a Catholic priest, writer and teacher. He is known to be the creator of the basis for some of the most popular tarot cards that we know today. But despite his being a priest, he also took the time to study other religions including Hindu, Jewish, Polish, Masonic religions, and Cabalism. Apart from that, Levi also studied astrology, astronomy, and metaphysics. All the knowledge he had, he incorporated into in his first tarot deck.

3. AE Waite (1857-1942)

The renaissance of the tarot of the 2th century is attributed to Arthur Edward Waite, another member of a secret society of occultists. For the rectification of the cards, he appointed Pamela Coleman smith who is an artist. As a revered mystic, his version of the card has been regarded and accepted as the standard and is considered the most popular of the century. Apart from its symbolism, it also has a rich artwork. And in the later part of the 1800s, he realized that the cards could possibly be used for predicting the future.

4. Aleister Crowley (1875-1947)

He is the author of "The Book of Thoth: A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians". His tarot cards were designed by himself and painted by Lady Frieda Harris. His cards eventually became a bestseller and considered among the most popular tarot cards in the world.


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