List of Guides and Steps on How Read Your Own Natal Chart

Using astrology to make forecasts of a person life and its aspects like love, career, and relationships, has long been a trend in many societies. And the specific tool used for this is the natal chart or natal horoscope. It is composed of a person's exact time, date, as well as place of birth. In order to grab hold of one of these charts, one would need to buy though there are times when these are given for free.

It is, therefore, worthwhile to know how to read one's own natal chart.

Here are the steps in doing it.

  • The process would have to begin with you getting a blank piece of paper which will be used for taking down notes.
  • On this paper, subject headings should be placed in order to divide your report. Examples of these headings are Basic Personality, Family and Relationships, Health and Leisure, Career and Abilities, and Strengths and Weaknesses.
  • The four element signs of the chart are useful. However, it is not encouraged to rely solely on these elements. Equally important and helpful are the modes which tend to be more accurate. These modalities include the Cardinal which means initiative, Fixed signs which means stubbornness, rigidity, as well as passion, and the Mutable signs which mean flexibility and a good mind.
  • After having done that, it is time to focus on each placement. Remember to always begin with the ASC or the Ascendant. Add to this the Sun in sign, Sun in House, Sun's Aspect, the Moon, and others.
  • Try to see the contribution of each factor onto the Subject Headings. Continue doing with the rest or for every planet in sign, every planet in a house, and planet in aspect to the Ascendant, MC, or other planet.
  • After doing this, it may be seen that certain traits come out repeatedly. This means that such traits are the dominant ones in a person's psyche. In your case, these are your dominant traits.

  • Consider which planet, sign, or house is the most emphasized. When taking down your interpretation, use this information.
  • After having done this, a trend will be discovered. And once you get to this point, you can now begin writing your interpretation.
  • Remember that when making your report, you only are to make it in 5 to 10 pages long. Avoid boring yourself by writing a very long one.
  • This last step may be optional. But if you desire to keep a file, you can have this report or interpretation printed on white paper.

Astrological signs and horoscopes indeed provide us some tools for forecasting. However, there are still some skeptics. This is not forced on everybody to believe. But who knows what it can do to help you with your life?


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Virgo Horoscope for July 2012 Horoscope Virgo for 2012 July. Formore information on Diana Garland, or for your free monthly Sun sign forecast, please visit Disclaimer All information is provided for entertainment purposes only. It's ever such a foolish law.

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