
Showing posts from September, 2012

The Pluto trine transit

On September 12,  2012 there were elections in my country and the winner had transit Pluto trine Ascendant on the very day of the elections. Pluto with a trine often reflects winning. This transit doesn't say that it will be easy, after winning. Instead, you face a lot of challenges. This liberal PM has to try to work together with the socialists and their first challenge is how to pay for all the debts. I have another example, also of a politician. On September 25, the chairman of the Dutch parlement was chosen by the members and the winner was a woman who's Northern Node (symbol of a group or party or nation) was trine transit Pluto. That is another winner with Pluto's trine! The day after she was confronted with political problems (curious?  ). But what about 'civilians'? I went back in history to see when I had transit Pluto trine Ascendant. When I had transit Pluto trine Asce...

Update about transit Jupiter (when you are ill)

Above is the painting of Hendri Goltzius (1612). See how Jupiter watches that hip and thigh!:)  Last time I blogged about transit Jupiter trines. Transit Jupiter was trine Progressed Sun, but inconjunct Progressed Midheaven in the chart of a woman when she underwent surgery for the second time (since something went wrong the first time). She broke her hip when she fell on August 31.  I wondered about the effect of this Jupiter trine (and hoped for the best). We all expect fortune with Jupiter trines, but sometimes people just die during such a transit. Maybe sometimes that is when the surgery was a success, but not for the patient. Luckily, this Jupiter and this trine helped her. There is no pain anymore! And the medical team expects her to recover and start walking again, but ... (With an inconjunct/quincunx there is always a but... ) It will take longer to be able to walk again. The new pin and screw are in a lower place where it takes longer to heel. Also visit: Astroma...

Tarot Card 5 Pentacles Explained in Details

Many people from all walks of life come to see a psychic for a tarot reading today. They acknowledge the great help and enlightenment a simple deck of tarot cards can do for them. Tarot reading can, in fact, provide advises on different aspects of man's life such as his career, love life and relationships, family, as well as money. As many people are aware of, a tarot reading can be achieved by using different spreads and the psychic or tarot card reader will read the cards and interpret what it has to say to the seeker. However, with the issue of convenience, many individuals already want to learn the tarot card meaning when they do their own readings. Among those whose meaning needs explanation is the card of 5 pentacles. What is the five pentacles? The five pentacles is a card that tells that the seeker's life is less secure at the time given. However, it is important to note that even in such difficult times, help can be sought and will always be available. Speci...

Love and Relationship Through Astrology’s Point of View

Did you know that there is a particular branch in astrology that specifically studies relationship? Synastry is usually used to look into the actual links between two people via their individual horoscope, studying the secrets of all kinds of personal relationships, from love to attractions. In synastry, the relationships between the 10 planets which show the universal urges we all need to experience and express on planet Earth, the 12 astrological signs of the Zodiac which represent 12 different types of spiritual energy and purpose as well as show the individual style with which we express these urges, and the houses (sectors of the chart) which show the arena in which each urge can best be activated and satisfied are studied and then described in words and often rated in numbers basing on the patterns and distributions of energy in the respective and combined horoscope charts to show the couple's compatibility or incompatibility, specifically to what degree, how, and in ...

Uranus-Pluto riot (and Orcus inconjunct Saturn)

Last Friday there were riots in a sleepy village in the North of the Netherlands (see BBC news ). A girl had invited all persons on Facebook to join her birthday party. She did this by accident. In the days before the 'party' officials tried to convince the 'invited' crowd not to come to Haren, but in vain. It was, apparently, time for a riot. This destructive 'party' in a silent village was unexpected (Uranus), dangerous and violent (Pluto). Uranus was square Pluto. Here is the chart of the day of birth of the girl (the hour of birth is not hers!) who celebrated her birthday with the transits of the day of the riots. Apart from the fact that Uranus-Pluto mirror dramatic change and sudden stress, there is also transit Orcus ( symbol of promises) inconjunct Saturn to reflect the extraordinary nasty effect of 'broken promises'. LINKS  I wrote about Saturn-Orcus before:  Saturn is qu...

Jupiter when you are ill

A chart must be read given the circumstances and situation. You can't just expect happiness and good luck when Jupiter hits your chart. Jupiter is the symbol of good fortune and progress, but sometimes people die during an exact transit of Jupiter. There is a reason for that. Jupiter is the symbol of the wise man, the doctor, someone to help you and judge and guide you. Jupiter is the symbol of the verdict and the diagnosis. Doctors are human beings. Sometimes they are wrong. And sometimes doctors help you, when you are dying... Here is a personal example. ILL: SATURN I have told you about my mother (83), who had aging problems (transit Saturn square Sun) and then fell (transit Saturn on her MC) and broke her hip on two places. Saturn is for falling and breaking and old people tend to break bones easily. Next she had surgery. They placed screws and pins. They made a picture of it on the 8th day and said it was OK now and she could try to walk again. But, she started to complain a...

Saturn hits Mars: struck by reality

When my Progressed Saturn was conjunct natal Saturn I wrote about 'memento mori': time to think about old age and saying goodbye. Not for me, not yet, but for my mother. She started aging, harder and harder. (Saturn is associated with parents and old age, all things solid and stiff.) Then, a few weeks later, she fell hard; transit Saturn was in aspect with her MC. She broke her hip (two places). Some people really fall and not just of there pedestal when Saturn is in hard aspect with MC. TRANSIT SATURN Last weekend (transit Saturn square Mars) I was confronted with the consequences of that fall and struck (Mars) by reality (Saturn). I sat by her side in hospital where they did a check up because of her continuing complaints about pain. I realised that she is losing contact with the world and that I will have to do a considerable lot of organising, washing, visiting, administration and worrying. And I know that all of my efforts to turn back time, will be useless. Hard labor! ...

Universal Psychic Guild Giving Back to All New Users!

Psychic readings have become quite popular these last decades as more and more people have been practicing it and people have started to accept the reality that a psychic reading is really true. This is why since people now have grown busier and are living hectic lifestyles, psychic readings have gone beyond the personal level and have moved towards being more electronic and interactive by entering the online world. Yes, due to the fact that it has become increasingly difficult for people to go out of their way and see a psychic, email psychic readings have become the "in" thing when it comes to spirituality. An email psychic reading is simply about getting a reading from an expert psychic without having to leave home as you can get this in the comfort of your own home. With just an internet connection and a laptop or desktop computer, you can access the different websites that offer such services. Psychic readings through email are very easy to avail of. You simply hav...

Intro to Psychic Abilities: Mediumship or Channeling and Precognition

Ever since ancient time, humans have been quite interested in the physic phenomena and abilities. In the last three decades, there is an increasing momentum in the interest of the paranormal, extrasensory-perception (ESP) and the use of psychic powers in getting psychic readings. More so, with the continuing popularity of the internet and the increasing demand for a psychic reading as novels, magazines and radio and other types of mass media publications have been invaded by the idea of the existence of psychic phenomena, psychic abilities and experiences as well as the outpouring emergence of live psychics and online psychic doing psychic readings and dispensing psychic advice over the internet. Generally, when people think of psychic abilities, they tend to associate these with the psychics foretelling psychic abilities, the abilities to predict the future and know what is going to happen before it actually does. However, in all actuality, this is not the only ability a ...

22 Classification of Major Arcana/Trumps Cards in Tarot

The tarot card is something that is no longer so unusual to many of us. For years, it has been used as a tool for divination in order to look into the future and guide the seeker with the decisions he has to make. This is despite its humble beginning as a simple deck of cards for games. In a deck of the tarot, there are two major groupings. One is the Minor Arcana, while the other is the Major Arcana. The first one comprises 56 suit cards of the 78 cards in one deck. Meanwhile, the Major Arcana is composed of 22 cards . This grouping is also known as the Trump. Here are some information on the different suits of the Major Arcana or the Trump. 1. The Fool. The Fool has no number at all. It is illustrated with a man that almost walks over a cliff. This card represents the beginning of something new, though it may also involve the learning process of something that is new. The image almost falling from a cliff does not mean that you will fail in this new chapter. It only says tha...

Top 5 Facts and Myths About Cartomancy

Is cartomancy a type of tarot reading or vice versa? Throughout thousands of years of history, people, ranging from primitive people to kings and pharaohs as well the so called "new age man" and the internet-savvy techno geek, have always wanted to see a glimpse of the future, which is primarily due to our human nature of being curious. And long with the increasing need of people to know this uncertain future is also the surging fascination on psychic readings using the traditional deck of playing cards and also of tarots. With these 2 types of cards used in psychic readings, it has resulted in the confusion between the 2 methods of getting a reading. Cartomancy: Facts and Myths Here are the top 5 facts and myths about cartomancy: 1. laying cards used in cartomancy are derived from tarot cards. There are many people, including those aspiring to be "psychics" , who have fallen for the urban myth that playing cards are derived from tarot cards. This i...

Top 5 Facts and Myths About Cartomancy

Is cartomancy a type of tarot reading or vice versa? Throughout thousands of years of history, people, ranging from primitive people to kings and pharaohs as well the so called "new age man" and the internet-savvy techno geek, have always wanted to see a glimpse of the future, which is primarily due to our human nature of being curious. And long with the increasing need of people to know this uncertain future is also the surging fascination on psychic readings using the traditional deck of playing cards and also of tarots. With these 2 types of cards used in psychic readings, it has resulted in the confusion between the 2 methods of getting a reading. Cartomancy: Facts and Myths Here are the top 5 facts and myths about cartomancy: 1. laying cards used in cartomancy are derived from tarot cards. There are many people, including those aspiring to be "psychics" , who have fallen for the urban myth that playing cards are derived from tarot cards. This i...

Feel good moments with Saturn

Today my Cancer mother, on bed in hospital, hardly able to move because of her broken hip,  said: "there was a horoscope in today's paper and it was exactly right". I checked the paper, found the horoscope for Cancer and the first sentence was ;" You feel restricted". Clearly true, Saturn square the late Cancer Sun. There sat are more ways to feel restricted. Now, Saturn is square my Ascendant/MC and sextile my Venus. I had to clean my mother's house, do her washes and help her brush her teeth without spilling water. That is life, that is Saturn. There is stress and of course I would prefer to take care of my mother but I have to go to work, and it is busy there.... But there is also a feel good thing about it. How can Saturn, the old devil,  make you feel good?  Well, I like to see how clean her house is now and that she has bright and shine pyamas. It feels good to take care of someone, omce you get used to the daily pattern. Maybe that is Sun/ M...

Lottery and Jupiter inconjunct Uranus

Jupiter inconjunct Uranus can be Astrological for the unhappy lucky winner. An example... Lottery Winner Jack Whittaker was born October 9, 1947: His chart has Jupiter inconjunct Uranus. The Jupiter Uranus combination is almost always, one way or another, present in charts of lottery winners ( but it doesn't work the other eay around; it's like statistics). The inconjunct says that you have to give up on something, that loss is involved. Whittaker had problems ever since he won. He drank too much, was robbed and sued. He lost a daughter and a granddaughter. Can we blame the lottery for all that? No. But it is clear that some sudden windfalls (Jupiter/Uranus) don't make happy. The inconjunction is a tricky aspect. That aspect might explain why Whittaker's name is on the list of sad lottery stories. MORE LINKS See the label Inc...

Steps and Tools You Need in Analyzing Dreams

Dreams are one interesting aspect in people's lives. While some dream of very realistic events, there are also those who dream of smaller subjects that they automatically forget when they wake up in the morning. Over the years, dreams have been thought of to be sources of messages from within a person or from his intuition. And because of man's interest in the meaning of his dreams, dream interpretation by psychics have emerged. It is quite interesting to be able to analyze your dreams. It would be a relief since we may be able to prepare for what our dreams may mean; whether it warns us of a future event or if it tells us more. And if you want to have your own dream interpretation , then here are some steps and tools that you need to take note of. Free Association by Sigmund Freud. This, according to Freud, meant creating a chain of associations of meanings to symbols that appear in a dream. It can be started by thinking about one particular dominant symbol you see in ...

5 Steps on How to Read and Classify Psychic Chart Components

Astrology is made up of a number of belief systems that studies the relationship, connection and interactions between those of us on Earth and the planets and stars. Unlike what you read in the daily horoscope section of the newspaper, astrology, following the patterns of movement of the sun, moon, stars, and other planetary objects in relation to a person's time of birth, assigns meanings to them that relate to human motivation and consciousness as well as explain aspects of a person's personality and predict future events in their life. Once all of these meanings are compiled, it can generate a very complex and detailed description of a person's profile. To help predict future happenings or any moment in time, you can use astrology charts. Your birth chart, also commonly called as natal charts, horoscopes, nativity, radix, among others, is a stylized map of the universe with you at the center. Calculated for the exact time and location of your birth, your birt...

Saturn and hitting the floor

My mother broke her hip with transit Saturn on her Midheaven, soon after transit Saturn square her Sun. In her natal chart the Sun is inconjunct Saturn. That is perhaps why she hit the slippery stones real hard when she made a wrong move. Saturn's hard aspect is astrological for falling, biting the dust, hitting the floor and ... endings. She just left the operating room now that I write this, succeeded surgery. She is lucky if she is home before Xmas. Earlier I wrote about Progressed Saturn conjunct natal Saturn and 'memento mori'.  I had noticed transit Saturn square her Sun at that time and saw that Saturn was on his way to a conjunction with MC. That worried me, because I know that Saturn is about aging, falling, ending periods…  One day she suddenly forgot who I was and, trying to avoid problems, I started with visiting her doctor and I hoped that it was finished for a year or so now that she got more aid, a perfect stable chair and bed and even better slippers. Sh...

Mary Ann Nichols day of birth: Sun Uranus!

Pages Home Contact Recommended What is...? Privacy Policy Breaking news items Mary Ann Nichols day of birth: Sun Uranus! Mary Ann Nichols was a Virgo, born with Venus, Uranus and Sun without major aspects in sign or orb 5 degrees. In her chart, Venus, Uranus and Sun were ' calling'. A calling Sun is the symbol if the ego, drawing attention somehow, anyhow. It is the sun of a Star, a leader or a VIP and sometimes of a person that we all know. Sun, Venus and Uranus... With a pleasant Ascendant and in our days she might have become a model.  Unfortunately, she was a very very common working class , mother of 5, alcoholic and a prostitute sometimes, in the 19th century. That is how she drew the attention of Jack the Ripper. He murdered this Virgo on  August 31 1988. That was with transit Uranus conjunct her progressed Sun. She really had an extrordinary way to be in the spotlights... And as I may assume: involuntarily!  The reason for this post is that she died ...