What Does Master Numbers Signify in Numerology?

So people continue to ask if these numbers should be left as they are, double digits, or if they should still be reduced to single digits. But for now, there Master numbers in numerologyis no strict rule yet as to how this can be done. Psychics are still not able to give clear and defined rules as to this.

However, here are some notes to consider.

  • It is important to note that when a double digit has no power to unleash master number potential, then it should be reduced to a single digit. It is also important to note that a month does not have master number power. So, if we take November, 11, as an example, we will have to reduce 11 to a single digit.
  • Furthermore, days also do not have master number potential. Thus, numbers 11 and 22 of every month are reduced to 2 and 4 respectively. And this applies to almost all calculations except for instances when we calculate Life Path and Birth Day numbers.
  • Master numbers are always reduced when adding digits that are found in a date to calculate cycles like Personal Year and Month and Day cycles. So as an example, 9/11/2001 should first be reduced to 9/2/3.
  • When trying to find the sum total of digits in almost all calculations that are being based on a name, master numbers are not supposed to be reduced at any given time.
  • Just like dates, some letters have master numbers. The 11th number is letter K while the 22nd number is letter V. These two master numbers are also the numbers that have been reduced to 2 and 4, respectively. Though numerology enthusiasts do not assign master number power to letters, they assign master number power to those additions that total to 11 or 22.

Master Number 11

The master number 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers and it represents instinct. It is the number that is connected to a person's gut feeling and knowledge with no rationality. Master number 11 has the qualities like shyness, anxiety, stressed energy, charisma and inspiration.

Master Number 22

It is also called the Master Builder. It is a number that has the ability to spin wild dreams into reality. Any person who has the number 22 in his numerology has a greater chance of success. Furthermore, it is a number that is considered as a grandiose thinker that is filled with leadership qualities. People with such master number 22 have to know that their opportunities are almost limitless and that they can do so many things with their skills.

Master number 33

This number is considered the mover and shaker of all master numbers. Thus, its nickname is master teacher. Anyone who has 33 as a number in his numerology can be in a project that goes beyond just practicality.

Master numbers need to be understood and given much attention to fully understand what the numbers have in store for each person.


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