Horoscopes with Jonathan Cainer - Adelaidenow

Nikki Webster

Former teen star Nikki Webster turns 25 today. Source: Herald Sun

TELL me why I don't like Mondays. If only Bob Geldof had spoken to Jonathan Cainer first...

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 21)

We are all a little bit like mirrors. We reflect back whatever comes our way. When we feel particularly defensive, we become even more inclined to shroud our sensitive souls in this way. We just give back whatever we seem to be getting. If we hear negativity, we echo it. Thus we increase the extent of negativity's range. So what are we supposed to do? Absorb it, that's even worse. We need to try to transform it. Jupiter and Venus now insist you are in an excellent position to see what's good, even in what seems bad.

Make the most of May. You'll find your month-ahead forecast inspiring. Call 1902 222 700. BELONG: Calls cost $ 1.32 per minute (inc. GST). Mobiles extra. For faults: free call 1800 653 344

Gemini (May 22 - June 22)

All great stage illusionists understand the key to deception is distraction. If there is something you don't want someone to see, show them something else. Make it fascinating. Engage their attention. Then they will never notice the item, object or issue you are so keen to disguise. But, of course, confidence is the key. The more worried you are about a secret being exposed, the more likely it is to reveal itself. I suspect you might find the above information particularly useful this week.

In your new May forecast, I'll tell you something very helpful. Call 1902 222 700. BELONG: Calls cost $ 1.32 per minute (inc. GST). Mobiles extra. For faults: free call 1800 653 344

Cancer (June 23 - July 23)

There are times when we all look at the problems we are being beset by and feel inclined to despair. "What's the point of even trying?" we say. "Nothing is ever going to make a difference." We become especially prone to such cynicism when we feel we have been doing our best to no avail. You feel as if you have run out of options and alternatives in one area of life. But to paraphrase Sherlock Holmes, "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, has got to be worth a go!"

You've got auspicious alignments in May. Let me tell you more. Call 1902 222 700. BELONG: Calls cost $ 1.32 per minute (inc. GST). Mobiles extra. For faults: free call 1800 653 344

Leo (July 24 - Aug 23)

What will happen if you start to do a few things a little differently? That depends on what those few things are and how different you do them! You can bring about a small change for the better this week, or you can start to transform a big part of your world. Just one word of advice. Start with little steps. Alter a habit here or an all-too-familiar formula there. Even such seemingly insignificant moves may prove more potent and could have greater, more long-lasting ramifications than you expect. Cash in your astrological assets! Call me for your in-depth May Forecast: 1902 222 700. BELONG: Calls cost $ 1.32 per minute (inc. GST). Mobiles extra. For faults: free call 1800 653 344

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)

If you want to make a small room look bigger, paint it white. If you want to make a large room look smaller, paint it a deep, dark, shade. It will remain the same size, you won't fool the tape measure, but you will influence the opinion of anyone who enters that space. People who seek success, soon learn they need to develop the ability to look beyond the apparently obvious. What might you now be dismissing on the basis of a superficial appraisal.

If you want good news, let me give you your in-depth May forecast. Call 1902 222 700. BELONG: Calls cost $ 1.32 per minute (inc. GST). Mobiles extra. For faults: free call 1800 653 344

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)

If you want an adventure, you can have one. An opportunity presents itself now. It is real and exciting. Just remember an adventure is a journey into the unknown. It either requires you to go somewhere you have never been before or to head for a familiar destination in a most unusual way. Without the possibility of getting lost or making a mistake, you haven't got an adventure. Will your adventure end triumphantly if you choose to embark upon it? To tell you that would be to stop it from being a proper adventure.

Looking forward to May? You will be soon. Let me tell you why. Call 1902 222 700. BELONG: Calls cost $ 1.32 per minute (inc. GST). Mobiles extra. For faults: free call 1800 653 344

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)

It is strange how sometimes we can say the same things to each other, over and over again, only to discover we have not really been heard -- or we have not properly listened to what we were told. This week comes a conversation you think you recognise. Isn't this ground you have been over many times before? Don't you already know the answers you will get to any of the questions that you ask? Be willing to pay a little more attention. There is potential for a pleasing discovery. I have just recorded your light-shedding, heart-warming, May forecast. Call 1902 222 700. BELONG: Calls cost $ 1.32 per minute (inc. GST). Mobiles extra. For faults: free call 1800 653 344

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)

You are inclined to imagine that over the years, you have become tough and resilient. Not only have you been a student at the School of Hard Knocks, you have gained an exemplary attendance record. You feel you have become so good at dealing with the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune that your heart now sits behind a strong safe shield. But it can still be touched. You can still be moved. And that slight sense of vulnerability, as you are gradually due to discover this week, is really no bad thing. It's time to embrace the future. I explain how in your May forecast. Call 1902 222 700. BELONG: Calls cost $ 1.32 per minute (inc. GST). Mobiles extra. For faults: free call 1800 653 344

Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 20)

If one door opens when another door closes, does the process work the other way around? When we rise to a new challenge, do we leave behind the problem we were previously trying to solve? Some people suspect this may be the case. They figure it is important to keep on moving and changing. We can't always be so sure we will free ourselves from the past, simply by embracing the future. But it is undoubtedly the case for you, this week, that's a genuine option and a real possibility. You've got so much to look forward to in May. Let me tell you more. Call 1902 222 700. BELONG: Calls cost $ 1.32 per minute (inc. GST). Mobiles extra. For faults: free call 1800 653 344

Aquarius (Jan 21 - Feb 19)

Here is a cake. You can have it or you can eat it. You can't do both. Or so conventional wisdom tells us most emphatically. Yet what is the point of having a cake you can't eat? And as it is impossible to eat a cake you can't have, why wouldn't you try to eat it while you have got it? You feel rather as if life is asking you to work some kind of a miracle. It may well be that to work that miracle, you have to do no more than re-evaluate an old opinion about what is or isn't possible. Take a less pessimistic look at that cake! When you hear your May forecast it will change everything for the better. Call 1902 222 700. BELONG: Calls cost $ 1.32 per minute (inc. GST). Mobiles extra. For faults: free call 1800 653 344

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)

Let us imagine that in your kitchen cupboard there is a jar of jam. If you close the cupboard door, you cannot see it. So how do you know if it is still there? You open the door and the jam is before your eyes. You close it again. Now where is it? Logic tells us the jam has gone nowhere, but logic is not always right. The jam could be on a journey. It could be anywhere. Quick! Open the door suddenly. Perhaps you will catch the moment just before the jam returns. Some things, this week, are not worth feeling insecure about! I've got helpful advice and pleasing news for you in your May forecast. Call 1902 222 700. BELONG: Calls cost $ 1.32 per minute (inc. GST). Mobiles extra. For faults: free call 1800 653 344

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)

Have you noticed how sometimes, some people seem to be extremely argumentative? Are they like this when talking to other people? Or do they save it all up for their dealings with you? Or (and here I am only asking, not trying to suggest anything), do they perceive something about your personality that makes them want to say challenging things? No matter what lies behind a controversy, the way to make it less intense is to stand back from it. Try not to add fuel to too many fires this week. Get more out of May. Call your new in-depth, month-ahead forecast: 1902 222 700. BELONG: Calls cost $ 1.32 per minute (inc. GST). Mobiles extra. For faults: free call 1800 653 344


Nikki Webster, Australian entertainer (25)

Johnny Galecki, US actor (37)

Amanda Palmer, US musician - Dresden Dolls (36)

Willie Nelson, US musician (79)

Kirsten Dunst, US actor (30)

Ian Healy, Australian cricket commentator (48)

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New Moon in Taurus 2012

This New Moon in Taurus offers us the opportunity to work with very focused, practical energy - made even more powerful by five planets in Earth signs. How can you best move forward during this New Moon? Watch Kathy's latest video to find out! To contact Kathy directly, please visit roseastrology.com

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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