This is how I verified my Ascendant degree, with tools for verifying yours.
A few days ago, when I was pondering on my Ascendant degree, I thought of the fact that when I had my son, transit Mars was in the 4th of Virgo, to be exact: 3d44m40s when he 'saw the light'. Somebody cut me, just before that happened. Next, I thought about progressed Mars, now in Pisces, and the date of progressed Mars conjunct my Ascendant Pisces. On September 30 1996 I had surgery and … progressed Mars was in 3d43m42s Pisces. Cut, cut...Also, Transit Saturn was at 3d42m Virgo retrograding (in line with the nature of the surgery)! The time of my birth certificate gives an Ascendant of 3d43m29 Pisces. What a great and accurate nurse it was!
It was pretty nice, to find this on a day that Venus was opposition my Sun and Midheaven! And yes, I was glad! Now I 'just' had to find more hits with the Ascendant degree and I found Uranus when I started co-managing an astrologer's forum. Now I wonder what Neptune will be mirroring in 2013/2014. I expect amazing or miraculous situations (see the post about transit Neptune).
Maybe YOU can find your Ascendant degree using the same method. It will be harder for men to use Mars in their children's charts, but here are some clues. No need for me to mention them all here, as they are all over the internet, even on this blog. Here are some links:
Astropost about Transit Jupiter and your Ascendant (gaining weight, pregnant) or see Cafe Horoscope.
Astropost about Transit Saturn on your Ascendant and being blamed or going trough a hard situation or see Cafe Horoscope about frustration and feeling let down...
Cafe Horoscope about Transit Uranus conjunct Ascendant. That is when I had my coming out as an astrologer on the internet:). See my take on it here...
But, in short, you can expect the coming out of problems with Pluto, you might join groups with Uranus and become transcendent with Neptune. You can't be overlooked when Jupiter makes you grow and you get real with Saturn. Pluto is the symbol of life and death and is very intense by nature. Uranus is for excitement or intervention (including going to see the dentist). With Mars you might get cut or hurt (f.ex. dentist, again:). Venus brings pleasure and Mercury someone to talk with. Just check it.
And uhm...Brutus table with keywords for angularity is very useful to try to find a certain state of mind. There is also a text about ruler 1 conjunct Ascendant (for the natal chart). As Neptune is supposed to rule my Pisces Ascendant, will I turn into a very tactless sort of a medium (attuned and straight forward) during the transit of Neptune? If I do, it will always be in the Pisces way, for example: on a blog, almost anonymously:).
PS If you are still not convinced about the degree that you found, try the symbolic degrees of Janduz (published by to see if the description looks like you and your ways of doing it...I selected the picture on top of this post, a bit according to the description of my degree and a bit because I liked this 17th (16-17) century picture of Jan de Braij. If you use the symbolic degrees on Astrotheme, please be sure to name 0-1 degree degree number zero and 1-2 degree degree number 1 etc.
2012 Astro-Numerology Forecast - Numerology Number 5 Hello my name is Tania Gabrielle, Celebrity Asto-Numerologist. 2012 is a major pivot point - a 5 Universal Year, the midpoint of our first full 9-year cycle in the new millenium. Three major astrological alignments occur this year and the stage is set for more rapid, unexpected shifts and changes than we have seen in a long time... 2012 Numerology Forecast | Numerologists & Yearly Numerological ... http Free numerology, weekly numerology, free love numerology reading, marriage numerology calculation, marriage numerology, finance numerology, business ... Directory Astro Profiles 2012 Horoscope ... Jan 13, 2011 -- 2012 Horoscope Profiles Horoscopes Predictions 2012 Forecasts Horoscope the year ahead, Numerology, Tarot, Celebrity Personal Profiles ... Personal 2012 Horoscope Forecast Horoscope ... Jan 1, 2012 -- Astro Profiles Order 2012 Horoscopes Predictions Horoscope, Numerology, Tarot, Celebrity Personal Profiles email reports love money career. Horoscope : Horoscope 2012, Numerology, Forecast, Star Signs ... Horoscope section provides horoscopes based on zodiac signs, numerology, germ therapy, daily and weekly predictions. 2012 Numerology Forecast | Free Horoscopes & Horoscope by ... Find out what your personal numbers reveal and how to make this year your best yet! Tap into your true source of power with your 2012 Numerology Forecast ...Video Rating: 5 / 5
Scientists have studied the effect of the full moon and they found that there were less births in the weekends:). The old belief that there are more children born when the moon is full, has been proven wrong. In our days, children are born between 9 and 5 from Monday to Friday, if the doctors had it their way. It is more convenient and it can be done without harming the mother or the child, so why not. But now I will never know if there would be a natural tendency for more births at Full Moon (not all, just some more). Maybe it is not so, not even in the middle of the jungle without electricity or doctors. Who cares about the position of the moon, anyway, these days? I remember that I was on the road at night. I parked and watched a partial lunar eclipse (a cloud hanging before the moon) and I noticed that nobody noticed. They were eating, drinking, checking tires, walking dogs, going to the toilets...but nobody was staring at the sky or pointing at the moon to tell their childr...
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Numerology is a popular concept and is being used by a lot of people in determining their luck for the year. It is also used to tell which lucky numbers to wait for are. Even if you don't believe in numerology very much, it would not hurt to read on especially that we have only started a new year. Who knows? You might be able to realize what good your number will bring you. Here are the different numerology numbers and what is in store for them this 2013. 1. Lucky number 1. Watch out for the issues in your professional and personal life this year. You might see a new job opportunity or a new opening as the year ushers in. Nevertheless, the first few days and weeks will be a good start so think about the decisions you have to make very well. As for your personal life, some issues will arise that concern a forced relationship. Though some things have not been resolved in the past year, this year may bring a close to those. 2. Lucky number 2. Your family is of greatest matter...
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