Astrology Timeline: From Early Origins up to Modern Era

Over time and years, the world of astrology has continued to evolve.Astrological Timeline

From its early beginnings as a belief system that soon started as human beings made conscious attempts in measuring, recording, and then predicting seasonal changes by reference to astronomical cycles, it has now evolved into a number of belief systems which hold that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world.

Throughout human history, the belief in a connection between the heavens and terrestrial events which is the central principle of astrology has played an important part.

Astrology Timeline

  • 5000 B.C. – the stone circles at Nabta Playa may have made use of astronomical alignments
  • 4242 B.C. – the 365 day period of the Egyptian calendar was already in use along with the observation of stars which was thought to be important in determining the annual flooding of the Nile.
  • 4000 B.C. – when the origins of astrology as well as astronomy begun in Mesopotamia. Ziggurats (Sumerian Temples) are the first astrological observatories in the world. Mesopotamian Astrologists keep track of the Sun, the Moon and 5 planets that they can see. The things they have learned were written in cuneiform on tablets of clay.
  • 3500 B.C. – when astronomical observatories were assembled, and ideas on the nature of the universe began to be explored, most notably in Mesopotamia, China, Egypt, Greece, India, and Central America
  • 3000 B.C. – when the Egyptian calendar was revised to 365 days.
  • 2000 B.C – sees the start of Babylonian astrology which was the first organized system of astrology
  • 2872 B.C. – Sargon the Great, founder of the empire of Akkad and Sumer, uses astrologer priests to predict the future.

  • 2700 B.C. – In Egypt, the Great Pyramid of Khufu or popularly known as The Great Pyramid of Giza was constructed following factors based on astronomy.
  • 2500 B.C. - The earliest extant collection of Babylonian astrology texts known collectively as Enuma Anu Enlil (literally meaning "When the gods Anu and Enlil…") were created.
  • 2350 B.C. – Solar and lunar eclipses begun to be recorded by the Akkadians. Summaries of these records were created onto 70 tablets by Sargon, which becomes known as the Namman-Bel as his heirs continue to add to this database.
  • 2079 B.C. – In ancient observatories of Ziggarut at Urak, Ur and Babylon starts to record the movements of the celestial sky.
  • 2000 B.C. - Babylonian Astrologers created zodiac signs and device accurate astronomical calculations.
  • 1250 B.C. - Fixed cardinal points in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn were assigned by Egypt's Ramses II.
  • 700 B.C. – the ecliptic was created by Babylonian priests. This divides into 12 sections of 30 degrees each and became the zodiac divisions.
  • 670 B.C. – the astrological library at Ninevah was expanded by Assyria's King Assurbanipal
  • 668 B.C. – when the earliest surviving horoscope was cast
  • 535 B.C. – Pythagoras theories on astrology, numerology and the occult arts were created. This becomes the source of planetary aspects as we know today.
  • 475 B.C. – when Empedocles of Agrigentum introduced four elements of Earth, Fire, Water and Air into astrology as the 4-fold root of everything. He theorized that nothing can be created or destroyed, only transformed.
  • 409 B.C. – The oldest Babylonian horoscope was created.
  • 370 B.C. – a calendar using the zodiac with all 12 equal zodiac signs was created by Eudoxus of Cnidus
  • 330 B.C. – the knowledge of astrology was spread by Alexander the Great throughout the Middle East. Greece personalizes astrology.
  • 250 B.C. – medical astrology was taught by Achinapolus and Antipatrus, basing on the teachings of Berosus. They begin to experiment with natal horoscopes.
  • 200 B.C. - Tarot for predicting the future first appears in Rome.
  • 120-180 B.C. - Claudius Ptolemy, author of Tetrabiblios, the greatest astrological textbook
  • 100 B.C. – Qabbalah and esoteric astrology were developed by the Essenes
  • 60 B.C. - Rome opens the first school of astrology.
  • 600 – astrology was condemned and suppressed by the Church
  • 1125-1274 - idea of Tarot as applied to natural phenomena was accepted by St. Thomas Aquinas
  • 1555 – Nostradamus starts to become famous.
  • 1650 - Christian Tarot was founded by William Lilly.
  • 1781 - Uranus becomes the eighth astrological planet
  • 1816 – The "A Complete Dictionary of Tarot" was published by James Wilson. This book provides basic information for anyone to interpret charts for the first time.
  • 1825 – the Manual of Tarot was published by Raphael, aka Robert C. Smith. He also printed an ephemeris that people still use today and launched the first astrological publishing house to great success
  • 1846 – Neptune became the ninth astrological planet, after work done by John Couch Adams and U. J. J. Leverrier.
  • 1865 – the first radio astrology program was first aired by Evangeline Adams, nationally known American astrologer.
  • 1890 - Astrological Magazine, later Modern Tarot, was first published.
  • 1930 – Pluto, the tenth planet was discovered by Clyde William Tambaugh
  • 1967 – the computer program that cast horoscopes was designed by Andre Barbault, under the pseudonym of Astroflash
  • 1969 - International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) was founded.
  • 1975 – Astrology becomes modernized and was computerized
  • 1976 – Robert Hand becomes one of the first astrologers to use a microcomputer. He offered a computerized astrological service and later launched Astro-Graphic Services, which later becomes Astrolabe astrological computing service.
  • 1977 - the Astronomical community discovered and named Chiron
  • 1992 – the Astrological community recognized Chiron as a significant celestial body influence


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