Detailed List of Dream Classifications and Understanding

Brief History of Interpreting Dreams

In ancient Egypt thousands of years ago, ancient Egyptian priests even act as dream interpreters, interpreting messages in dreams in order to cure illnesses, make important state decisions, and even in deciding where to build a temple or when to wage a battle. There are even hieroglyphics evidence that depict dreams and their interpretations.

Considered to be divine predictions of the future as similarly seen by psychics of today, dreams were seen as messages from the gods that could be foretelling of impending disasters or, conversely, of good fortune;

Dreams and their meanings have been held in considerable importance through history by most cultures.

In their attempt to fully understand dreams, dream interpretation has undergone an evolution, from the techniques, meanings and types of dream.

Dream Classifications and Its Meanings

Currently, here are major classifications of dreams and their meanings:

  • Ordinary Dreams. This type of dream is said to often be a reflection of real life experiences but can also include fantasies. Studies on dreams reveal that about three quarters of dream content or emotions are negative.
  • Daydreams. This type of dream is classified as a visionary fantasy experienced whilst in a level of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness, as a result of the brain thinking over important, but not immediately relevant, issues when their circumstances do not pose interesting and engaging problems. Studies show that we have the tendency to daydream an average of 70-120 minutes a day. This type of dream occurs during our waking hours, when we allow our imagination to get us carried away that our minds start to wander, resulting in a drop in our level of awareness as we lose ourselves in our imagined scenario and fantasy.

  • Lucid Dreams. This type of dream is a dream during which the dreamer knows they are dreaming. It occurs when you have conscious perception of one's state while dreaming. In this state of dreaming, you, the dreamer may often, but not always, still possess some degree of control over your own actions within the dream or even the characters and the environment of the dream. It is a well-known fact that dream control could be improved with practiced deliberate lucid dreaming. With practice, a lucid dreamer could actively participate in their own dreams, making decisions and influencing the dream's outcome without awakening.
  • Nightmares. This type of dream is unpleasant and disturbing, causing you to feel negative emotions when you wake up, typically like fear and/or horror, despair, anxiety and great sadness. A nightmare may contain situations of danger, discomfort, psychological or physical terror, which is said to be your minds negative response to real life trauma and situations. Nightmare sufferers may usually awaken in a state of distress and may be unable to return to sleep for a prolonged period of time.
  • Prophetic Dreams. Also referred to as precognitive or psychic dreams, this type of dream are dreams of events or incidents before they happen and appears to foretell the future. There is one rational theory that attempts to explain this phenomenon. This theory explains that because your dreaming mind has the ability to piece together bits of information and observation that you may normally overlook or that you do not seriously consider, your unconscious mind therefore knows what is coming before you consciously piece together the same information.
  • Recurring Dreams. This type of dream is experienced repeatedly over a long period with little variation in story or theme. Though some may be positive, most often they are nightmarish in content. These dreams tend to recur because a conflict depicted in the dream remains unresolved or ignored. However, once a resolution to the problem is found, these recurring dreams will cease. It is said that up to 70% of females and 65% of males experience recurrent dreams.


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