The Essence of Free Will and Destiny in Psychic Readings

Contrary to popular belief, psychic readings are not all about a psychic foretelling the future.Free Will and Destiny in Psychic Readings

In fact, there is an interconnection between a psychic reading, destiny and freewill.

The Link

Though people are ultimately defined by their choices, each of us is on our own unique path in life, which is said to lead us to events in our life where we must make a choice. These events are our "defining moments".

Now, the type of choice we will have to make during this defining moment (love or money, risk or security, etc.), is said to be predetermined according to our own unique path, meaning nothing can change it. However, it is completely up to us in deciding what we choose, and contributes to who we are.

On the other hand, live psychics do a reading to provide guidance to an individual to consider an intended path as a course through the person's maze of his life's destiny, which symbolizes all the ups and downs, all the potential problems and compensations, including all the people who one may meet as a part of his destiny, bringing either problems or happiness as well as all these "defining moments".

However, this path, as told by the reader, is not definite as there is always what we call 'free will'. Each of us knows that every one of us can choose his/her actions, whether you wanted to go back or go straight ahead or wanted to turn right or left.

Because of this awareness that our life is based on our own freewill, though undoubtedly a psychic reading is useful in its own glory, in the end, it all comes to your freewill in deciding where you want to go, what you want to do, or who you want to do something with.

Thus, a psychic reading can be helpful as a person's destiny and free will are totally linked with his existence inside the prepared structure of a maze of his life's destiny, the Karma, the structure of the correct course from one's nativity to death and eventually to reincarnation.

Psychics doing a reading usually tell people seeking for spiritual guidance that the exact time cannot be foreseen, particularly if there is another individual discovering a Karmic lesson involved in an event.

Though in a psychic reading, there is 97% to 100% accuracy, you may recognize that what keep a prediction from being absolute are acts of free will, yet the result is already predetermined.

Sometimes, the future can be changed by using the knowledge that the psychic offers. But often, the predicted future event is so set that it cannot be changed. The acts of others may be able to cause change, but you have no control over this.

On the whole, it is important that aside from a psychic reading, you must also not forget to bear in mind that emotions, senses, instincts and intuitions should be used.

Since as human beings, each of us are gifted with these, so we can then utilize them to assist us in finding the right path, while using the knowledge a psychic provides in controlling over our own actions and reactions.


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