Top 21 Interesting Fun Facts About Numerology

Over the years, numerology has fascinated men and they have been getting numerology readings.Fun Facts About Numerology

As long as men have a strong interest in knowing what will happen to them in the future, about their present and past with regards to their love, life, relationships, careers and other life aspects, men would still be interested in numerology.

Interesting Fun Facts About Numerology

Here is some quick list of interesting fun facts about numerology:

  • A person's strengths and weaknesses of character as well as his/her life purpose could be determined using numerology.
  • Numerology could also identify exactly when challenges as well as opportunities will occur throughout a person's life.
  • In numerology, a person's full name given at birth (the name that appeared on the person's birth certificate), including middle name and date of birth in month, date and year format is what is being used in calculating the numerology numbers.
  • If a person changes his/her name during their lifetime (including women who get married), they could still use it to calculate the person's numerological numbers but for a second chart for the changed name.
  • However, the name first recorded in a person's birth certificate still profoundly affects the personality and destiny.
    In numerology, the main numbers used are all equivalent, one to another.
  • In numerology, each of the person's score numbers has both positive and negative features, which should not be skipped in any case as they are all important in calculating the numerological number's meanings for any life aspect, including business, career, health and love.
  • In numerology, one can calculate the Life Path Number, both specific and general.
  • To calculate the Life Path, all the digits in the birth date are added together, then, the sum are added together until you get a number from 1 to 9.

  • The number that resulted from all those additions will describe the general trend and direction of your life.
  • The numerology life path 11, life paths 22 and 33 have special master numbers.
  • The shorter periods and summits of a person's life could also be calculated in numerology. This will give you better understanding on the experience you gained in the past or you have to gain in the future, during the specific periods of your life.
  • The numerology information about the year, month and day of your birth consists of the ways you choose and the challenges you get come from your birth date.
  • A person's numerological numbers can be your "life guide" helping you to prepare for the experience you have to face.
  • Pythagoras is the Greek mathematician, philosopher and mystic who is considered the "Father of Numbers" and he had determined that number was the essence of all things.
  • The presence of malefic numbers in a person's numerology chart would indicate an abuse in one of the person's previous lives which has to be counterpoised in this life.
  • The presence of malefic numbers in a person's numerology chart are especially important when located in the Life Path, Soul Urge, Day of Birth, or one of other key positions.
  • The presence of malefic numbers in the Soul Urge indicates that these numbers will intervene with the person's private life, disconcerting his hopes and expectations.
  • The presence of malefic numbers in the Expression means these numbers will intervene with the career, numerology business environment and other outer life aspects.
  • If found on the Life Path, these malefic numbers will have an influence on all the aspects of the person's life.
  • The numbers in the date of birth, regardless of the place of birth, could provide the additional traits of the person's character and personality, but they mainly reflect the general indications of the events that can possibly happen during some defined periods of his life.


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