Prem Jyotish, A Renowned Astrologer And Numerologist, Offers Free Horoscopes To Patrons - Online PR News

Prem Jyotish, A Renowned Astrologer And Numerologist, Offers Free Horoscopes To Patrons

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Contact Information

Renesmee Burton
Prem Jyotish
37-05, 74th street, 3rd fl
Jackson heights NY, 11372

718-899-6161/ 718-89

Prem Jyotish, A Renowned Astrologer And Numerologist, Offers Free Horoscopes To Patrons
Prem Jyotish, a renowned astrologer and numerologist, is offering free horoscopes based on daily planetary movements in various categories.

Online PR News – 30-June-2012 –Prem Jyotish, a renowned astrologer and numerologist, is offering free horoscopes based on daily planetary movements in various categories. Patrons can find out what is in store in different categories such as business, job, finance, romance, and health and travel.

This leading astrologer and numerologist offers certain other services to patrons. Patrons can ask a question on a topic of importance and get answers; it is not necessary to submit the birth time or even date of birth to avail this service. The scholar offers an astakut guna matching report for checking the compatibility between two partners. One can get baby horoscopes and Vedic birth charts made, based on the positions of planets at the time of birth. This renowned scholar predicts Varsh Phal and helps people plan their year ahead by making them more aware of what to expect. The personalized free horoscopes are also much in demand.

Prem Jyotish helps patrons by determining the best time to start a business and also in planning their career moves. The numerology compatibility analysis can assist individuals understand the effect of certain numbers on their relationships and lives.

About Prem Jyotish

A scholar having extensive knowledge of Hindu Vedic Astrology and Numerology, Prem Jyotish provides near-accurate predictions about a person's past, present, and future. With numerous television shows and weekly analysis of the different zodiac signs in the print media, Prem Jyotish has become popular among a large cross-section of believers.

Prem Jyotish combines the two very independent sciences of astrology and numerology and brings them together to make extremely precise predictions for his patrons. He uses the knowledge from these two disciplines to produce birth charts for patrons taking into account their date, time, and place of birth. Solutions come easy to this master astrologer who uses an intuitive style to read individual charts. No wonder, many people are visiting the astrologer to see the way forward in their work, love, or family life.

To know more about free horoscopes and numerology compatibility readings being offered by Prem Jyotish, you would need to visit

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Welcome back to todays readings the weather has settled a wee bit in high 30's thank goodness I am happy to say I am the proud owner of a new vidio cam so will be able to do some outside stuff and other bits and pieces so stay tuned or catch me on

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