Top List of Facts, Myths and Superstitions About Tarot Cards

Throughout the years, an increasing number of people have made use of tarot card decks for study, meditation, tarot card reading for divination or Tarot cards facts, myths and superstitionself discovery.

So, here are some of the common myths and superstitions about tarot cards, along with some facts:

Common Tarot Myths and Superstitions:

  • The Tarot is believed to have originated from ancient Egyptian sources.

Fact: Tarot cards were first mentioned historically in the 1440s during the Renaissance period in Northern Italy.

  • The Gypsies were the ones who have brought the tarot to Europe.

Fact: Though it originated in Northern Italy, it was not used at first for divination but rather for gaming purposes. It was in the 19th century that the esoteric, mysterious element of the Tarot deck became present. It was during this time that the European mystics adopted Tarot card as one of their many tools for divination and magic.

  • Tarot is a form of magic.

Fact: The tarot has symbols that have nothing to do with magic but rather these symbols only convey meanings which a reader will interpret during a tarot reading.

  • Tarot cards are evil.

Fact: Tarots are just cards. Though a person can think of something mean during a reading, the cards themselves are just pieces of cardboard. Just like any other tools, they can be used depending on the owner's wishers.

  • Tarots are as old as the pyramids.

Fact: There is no factual basis to this belief. It seems that this belief had been started along with the first mention of Tarot as a mystical tool by Antoine Court de Gebelin, who was a French occultist. De Gebelin had linked the Tarot to ancient Egypt in his book published in 1781. However, there is evidence that tarot cards are being used for divination as early as 1540 in a book called The Oracles of Francesco Marcolino da Forli. In fact, what is known is the first deck of the tarot can be traced to Italy in the 15th century, particularly between 1410 and 1430 in Milan, Ferrera or Bologna. This first deck first appeared when an artist added trump cards, "carte de trionfi" or "triumph cards" featuring faces of the Visconti and Sforza families as a wedding gift.

  • You need to be psychic to be a Tarot reader.

Fact: Anybody can read the tarot if one studies it. Everyone has some psychic abilities but because most of us close ourselves off to them early in life due to the popular but oppressive thought that it is of the occult, we lose or it is hidden from us.

  • It is only you who can touch your cards.

Fact: There are some consultants who prefer to be the only ones to handle their cards. This is due to the presence of energies in each person. But anyone can touch other cards.

  • Tarot symbols are products of evil people and in turn, the cards per se are evil too.

Fact: This is a myth which was started when the Christian church eradicated the Pagan people during ancient times. It was during those times that tarots were considered as things of the Pagans. Because of this, many people strongly believed that tarot cards and their symbols are evil.


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  1. Really a great list of myths and facts. Hope to see more about free tarot reading.


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