Top List of Facts People Don’t Know About Dreams

Some dreams are good while some are bad. And because these oftentimes feel so realistic, we have increasingly become interested in interpreting List of Top Dream Factsdreams.

But other than interpreting dreams, it would also be worth knowing and understanding some facts that we don't know about dreams yet.

1. Dreaming makes one temporarily paralyzed. Of course, we are not aware of this. But our body has a natural response that occurs in order to protect and preserve our body in the event that we dream of something violent or action-filled.

2. We can control our dreams. This is a skill not everyone is familiar of. However, it is a fact that dreams can be controlled and the outcomes can be manipulated. This is especially true in the lucid dreaming state.

3. Dreams can be seen in colors. We may not take serious note of this but our dreams come in colors. However, there are also those who only see black and white in their dreams. About 70 percent of people have dreams in color while the other 30 percent have theirs in black and white only.

4. Dreams are a good source of inventions. It is common for people to forget their dreams when they wake up. But scientists in the past had their inventions taken from their dreams by taking down notes.

5. We dream of what we know. We might wonder at this statement because we often see people and things in our dream that we are not familiar with. But the fact is that all those faces we see are who we actually know or have met sometime in our lives. For example, a serial killer in our dream may be someone we met several years ago.

6. Dreams are more vivid for quitters. Yes, it is true that smokers who quit tend to have more vivid dreams. In a research, 33 percent of smokers who have abstained from smoking for about one to three weeks have more vivid thoughts at night.

7. Dreams can be invaded by external stimuli. Known as incorporation, our actual feelings or stimuli may be incorporated into our dreams. For example, being thirsty can be seen in one's dreams.

8. Snoring is the absence of dreams. When sleeping and a person snores, dreaming does not happen.

9. Dreams are for everybody. Yes, both men and women dream. While men dream more about other men, women dream of both men and women.

10. Even blind people can dream. People who went blind after birth have dreams. They have figures and images that they see while sleeping. However, those who have been blind since birth still do have dreams; only, these are about the things the senses have felt.

Dream interpretation can be made possible by understanding these facts about dreams. For more effective interpretations, psychics may be sought.


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