False Facts and Beliefs People Don’t Know About Astrology

In the 19th and 20th centuries, following its loss in academic and theoretical standing; astrology saw a popular revival as part of a general revival of False Facts About Astrologyspiritualism and later New Age philosophy, through the influence of mass media such as the popularity of daily horoscope in newspapers.

Astrology False Facts and Beliefs

Also, throughout the years, many facts and myths have come out as astrology became increasingly popular, with many scientists saying astrology is not true. So here are some false facts and beliefs that need to be clarified and debunked:

  • People die during a transit. There are many who believe that their 'death' will arrive shortly following the form of a heavy transit from Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto. This is not true. Nobody can die on transit. Progressions must back it up first, along with 'other' indicators, such as an eclipse, plus a transit. These two or three pieces to the recipe for Death must be placed before there is something serious and major that will happen. There is nothing major to happen on a transit while everything major occurs with progressions.
  • Astrology is based on what sign is located behind the sun when you were born. No, astrology is based on the seasons and the relationships between the planets, which are called "aspects". In astrology, these 12 signs of the Zodiac are just merely used as symbols and metaphors that represent the division of the year into 12 different and equal "seasons", which are based on the proportions of day and night experienced throughout the year. For instance, Aries, the first Zodiac sign, always begins on the first day of spring, when one can see day and night as equal, and the amount of light is expected to increase in succeeding days. Libra, on the other hand, always begins on the first day of fall, when the day and night are also considered as equal, but after which the amount of light will decrease.

  • Astrology postulates that, regardless of what constellation occupies the Equinox, people who are born in the spring are expected to exhibit characteristics such as high energy and optimism. These people will be the kind who spring into action, just like the way nature buds into life after its long winter slumber.
  • Saturn is considered as a death indicator. Saturn is NOT the only death planet indicator. It is one of many and any and all the planets, including the Uranian ones that can be used to indicate and be involved in a death.
  • It is believed that in Astrology there are only twelve different kinds of people. NO. The fact is astrology believes that there are infinite kinds of people as it believes that each individual has different placement of things like their moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, so on and on. In general, the farther away from the Sun the planet is, the less is its effects on the individual chart and the more it affects the generation. Also, each planet may be having it positioned in a different house, depending on the time of birth. For instance, your sun, moon, and Mercury may all be in your fifth house, while mine may all be in my fourth, even though we have almost identical charts. This would otherwise make you a much different person than me.
  • Transits in the 8th house are considered as responsible for deaths. A transit, progression or eclipse in your 8th house (known as the house of sex, taxes and death) in your horoscope does not mean death for you. In fact, any house in the natal chart, any of the twelve, can also be implicated and involved in your death.


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