Free Will Psychic - San Antonio Current

ARIES (March 21-April 19): It's time for your right hand to find out what your left hand has been doing lately, and vice versa. They've been attending to their separate agendas for a while, and now it would be wise to have them work together more closely. As they get reacquainted, a bit of friction would be understandable. You may have to serve as a mediator. Try to get them to play nicely with each other for a while before jumping in to the negotiations about how best they can cooperate in the future. And be very firm with them: no slapping or fighting allowed.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Some relationships that you call "friendships" may be little more than useful connections or status boosters or affiliations that enhance your power and influence. There's no shame in that. But it's also a smart idea to make sure that at least some of your alliances are rooted primarily in pure affection. You need to exchange energy with people who don't serve your ambitions so much as they feed your soul. The coming weeks will be an excellent time to cultivate friendships like that. Take good care of those you have, and be alert for the possibility of starting a new one.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Do you remember what you were doing between July 2000 and June 2001? Think back. Did anything happen then that felt like a wild jumpstart, or a series of epiphanies, or a benevolent form of shock therapy? Were you forcibly dislodged from a rut by an adversary who eventually became an ally? Did you wake up from a sleepy trance you didn't even know you had been in? I'm guessing that at least some of those experiences will be returning in the coming months, but on a higher octave this time.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Author Steven Covey describes your "circle of concern" as everything you're concerned with or worried about. Your "circle of influence," on the other hand, is anything that's within your ability to change right now. For example, you may have general long-term questions or anxieties about the future of your health. That's your circle of concern. But your circle of influence contains specific actions you can take to affect your health today, like eating good food, getting enough sleep, and doing exercise. What I'm seeing for you, Cancerian, is that the coming weeks will be an excellent time to spend less time in your circle of concern and more in your circle of influence. Stop fantasizing about what may or may not happen, and simply take charge of the details that will make a difference.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): There's a wild zoo about two hours northwest of Seattle. After paying your fee, you can drive your car through acres of land where large animals are allowed to roam free. When I took the tour, I stopped my rented Dodge Stratus by the side of the road to get a better look at a humongous buffalo with a humped back and a long woolly beard. It lumbered over to where I was parked and for the next five minutes thoroughly licked my windshield with its enormous purple tongue. My head was just inches away from its primal power, and yet I was safe and relaxed and perfectly amused. I wouldn't be surprised if you had a comparable experience sometime soon, Leo.

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