My best Mother's Day gift: mother-daughter horoscope comparison - Examiner

As a mom, the best parenting tool I ever got was getting my daughter's and my horoscope compared.

The idea that we are drawn together in order to heal is not limited to lover relationships. We are drawn together with all the people in our life in order to heal, because the ark - the covenant of Heaven - is entered two-by-two.

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Life brings us together with specific people so that all the places in us that are not completely loving can fall away.

This happens much like the jagged rock that is washed over and over by the water until all its rough edges are smoothed out.  We rub up against the rough edges of each other until we smooth one another out. That's part of the reason why intimacy is so tough and tricky.

We are brought together sometimes for a moment; sometimes for a period of time; and, sometimes for entire lifetimes. We are given encounters with postal workers, grocery store clerks, passerbyers, co-workers, employees, neighbors, parents, friends, lovers, partners, and, yes, our children; and all the other people that cross our path, because we both need to heal, and we each have what the other needs in order that this may happen.


Kids are soul mates, too

These longer-term relationships are what are commonly referred to as 'soul mates.' A soul mate isn't just the star-crossed lover that lights every fire in us; soul mates are also the people who can piss us off quicker than a New York minute...that's their calling's how we know who they are to us. Ironically, hate requires a lot of love.

Soul mates are individuals who join together, one-by-one, heal, and, then, enter the ark the way it is intended to be entered: two-by-two.

"Our children come through us; they are not of us." Khalil Gibran (Capricorn)

Every parent knows how challenging and demanding this role is on all levels: mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I've known parents who go to work to relax!

My child has definitely been the source of the most healing for me.  Before she even knew what she was doing, she pushed every button I had. And, without knowing it, she has been my most valuable teacher; reflecting back to me everything in me, good and not so good, so that I can see where adjustments in me are necessary.

As a toddler, I would notice the rise and fall of emotional outbursts in her, and it became clear to me that she was pushed off her center and began to "act out," when it was really me that was out of my usual flow or had something pressing on me that I wasn't taking care of.

The children are our future

A comparison horoscope between parent and child is an exceptionally helpful tool because it's an impersonal, yet deeply intimate, vehicle to see the personalities of both people and how their interactions will affect each other. A child's horoscope tells you who your child is without your filters, perceptions, expectations, experiences and illusions interfering with the information.

My astrological studies were completed in the early '80's, through the Rosicrucian Fellowship, in Oceanside, California.  This is a group of advanced souls and serious Christian mystics who consider astrology to be an essential tool for understanding our personality structure and how it supports the path of our soul.

These dedicated souls are so determined to provide humanity with the tools we need for healing that they will complete the natal chart of any child under the age of 18, absolutely free; or, on a free will offering basis.  They believe it to be that important!  And, it is.

For comparison charts, besides yours truly, I recommend, Astro Computing Services .

I love preparing comparison charts because I know how much healing is going to be accomplished by the individuals once they read the chart.

As an astrologer, it has helped immensely having the inside astrological track on my daughter's personality, and our horoscope comparison. It hasn't stopped me from making typical parenting mistakes, but it has given me another lens through which to see my daughter, so that I could properly assess what's what in various circumstances.

For example, my daughter has Scorpio rising; the sign of transformation.  The intense and creative energy of Scorpio draws them to self-expressions such as tattoos, piercings, bold hair colors, and personal styles that tend to be a bit dramatic. 

As an Aquarian, and a naturalist, none of these expressions speak to me.  As it so happens, my daughter was born with the most gorgeous hair color that has always received all kinds of attention.  Nonetheless, from early on changing the color of her hair has been important to her, as have tattoos.  Thankfully, she's satisfied with the press-on tattoos.  Her preschool portrait shows her covering the tattoo on one arm with the hand of the other (the school's doing; not mine)!  This penchant didn't puzzle me, as I recognized that her Scorpio body (rising sign/Ascendant) was doing the talking.

Granted, we can come to these same understandings about our beloveds through the trial and error of experience. The horoscope saves time, energy, misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and allows us as parents to see our kids through the eyes of God, and not our own.  As parents, it's not that our vision is flawed, but it can be obscured by the often confusing myriad of feelings, thoughts, hopes, and hazards, that are all part of the precious package that was delivered to us one incredible day that changed our lives forever.

When I am a Mom

A sweet child who wishes to remain anonymous, wrote down 10 things that she won't ever do as a Mom, and 10 things she will always do as a Mom.

When I am a Mom...

...I won't be indifferent.

...I won't hit or abuse my kids.

...I won't let them ride in a car without a seatbelt.

...I won't physically force them to do something, unless it's for their safety.

...I won't let them constantly eat junk food.

...I won't put them in an unsafe situation.

...I won't let them get obese.

...I won't avoid difficult conversations.

...I won't let one week go by without family night.

...I won't favor one kid over another.

...I will have four kids.

...I will have cats and dogs for my kids.

...I will make sure all my kids feel loved the same.

...I will make sure they are always safe.

...I will let them choose their own life, and not choose for them what they will be when they grow up.

...I will feed them healthy food.

...I will encourage them to do good stuff.

...I will have an alarm system in the house.

...I will have smoke detectors in every room.

...I will childproof the home when they're babies.

Happy Mother's Day!  A special thanks to my mom and my daughter, for making my life so beautiful and rich.

For information on astrology, intuitive consultation and other wellness education info, please visit us online or in person through:

The video of "best alarm clock for kids" is a routine started by me with two of our former dogs, Lucy and Clarise (Clarise lives with my mom, Lucy passed away).  I would say, "Wake up the baby!!" and get them lathered up into a barking frenzy and the task was done!

Thank you for reading.  Your comments are appreciated.  Feel free to subscribe and share me.  Namaste and blessings for all. 

For more info on holistic astrology, please contact me at:

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Coast To Coast AM - 28.1.2011 - 1/12 - Divination

MP3 Filling in for George Noory, guest host Rob Simone ( email) welcomed professional astrologer Mark Lerner for a discussion on various topics related to astrology. Lerner shed light on the recent Sun-sign change controversy that began after Minneapolis-based astronomer Parke Kunkle suggested the constellations, along with everyone's zodiac signs, have shifted due to Earth's wobble. According to Lerner, Western astrologers do not follow apparent star groupings and constellations. Their practice is instead based on precisely dividing the year, starting at the Spring Equinox, into 12 equal divisions, he explained. "If you've always thought you were a Sun-sign Cancer, you are still," Lerner affirmed. Anyone or anything (such as a company or nation) born at a specific moment in time has a chart, he continued, noting that a person is imprinted with his sign at birth after taking the first breath. The positions of celestial bodies at that juncture represent archetypal or spiritual energies related to an individual's higher destiny, but this does not necessarily mean one is fated to have a certain kind of life, Lerner advised. In addition, by charting someone's current cycle, the transits and progressions, astrologers can ascertain even more information about that person, he said. Lerner pointed out that astrology can analyze interactions between people as well. This area is known as composite astrology and is used to determine how any two people (lovers, business ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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